Hong Kong Air Cargo Terminals Limited – 4/F to 6/F, East Wing, North Office Block, SuperTerminal 1

Interiors V1.0

Overall Score
Green Building Attributes
Materials Aspects
Energy Use
Water Use
Indoor Enviro. Quality
Credit(s)    Innovations and Additions

Hong Kong Air Cargo Terminals Limited (Hactl) is one of the world’s leading air cargo terminals. Our SuperTerminal 1 base at Chek Lap Kok is the single largest multi-level air cargo terminal in the world, and has seen heavy use since the company relocated  to the new airport in 1998. As a result, the terminal’s offices were tired and no longer conducive to modern business, which prompted the company to embark on a renovation project in 2019. With sustainability firmly in mind, Hactl was not content with mere refurbishment, opting instead to transform the space into an eco-friendly, cultural and aesthetic environment for staff and guests. In addition to incorporating energy optimization, sustainable practices and human-centric design, Hactl joined hands with a local social enterprise to upcycle the terminal’s old furniture and discarded pallets, as well as the city’s abandoned wood, and transformed these materials into elegant furniture and art installations.


Green Features

Green Building Attributes

  • Photovoltaic system
  • Human-centric facilities including infant feeding room, library, sports and recreational facilities, EV charging facilities and barrier free access facilities, ergonomic workstation furniture adhered to occupational health and safety best practice

Materials Aspects

  • Usage of recycled and environmentally manufactured materials
  • Recycling of construction and demolition waste

Energy Use

  • Occupancy sensors and programable timers for lighting
  • Variable speed drive fan coil units
  • Reduction of lighting power density

Water Use

  • Water saving design
  • Drinking water dispensers

Indoor Environmental Quality

  • Complied with Excellent Class requirements in the IAQ Certification Scheme
  • Utilising natural lighting 
  • Interior lighting quality complied with CIBSE recommendations

Innovations and Additions

  • Upcycled furniture and art installation


Hactl launched its “Green Terminal” programme in 2018 to formalise and develop its longstanding green policies and actions, with the aim of minimising its environmental impact through measures such as reducing single use plastic consumption. Since launching this company-wide initiative, Hactl has expanded the programme to cover other aspects of sustainability including decarbonisation, waste reduction, and nature conservation.

Over the years, Hactl has implemented a series of eco-initiatives, including banning sales and provision of plastic bottled water and plastic straws in the terminal building, and installing 516 solar panels on the rooftop of SuperTerminal 1 to generate renewable energy. Since 2015, Hactl has reduced carbon emissions by over 20%. In 2021, Hactl  committed to Hong Kong International Airport’s Net Zero Carbon strategy, continuing its efforts in decarbonisation with other airport-based business partners.

Hactl’s office renovation project stayed true to the sustainability principles of the Green Terminal programme. Energy-saving features were incorporated, including the use of LED lighting, maximising the use of natural lighting, replacing the terminal’s MVAC system with more energy-efficient models, and installing occupancy and CO2 sensors to control artificial lighting and air conditioning throughout the offices.

The inclusion of human-centric features also contributed to the refurbishment project’s success in achieving BEAM Plus Interiors V.1 – Platinum accreditation. This noted that the open-plan offices provide a safe, modern and enjoyable working environment for staff. Ergonomic workstation furniture adheres to occupational health and safety best practice; open areas are designed to facilitate relaxed business interaction and staff leisure breaks; and recreational facilities including a billiard table and table football further enhance relaxation facilities. The adjacent Hactl Sports Centre provides gym facilities, a yoga room, table-tennis tables, badminton courts and squash courts. An infant feeding room and barrier-free washrooms are also provided, helping to create an inclusive and non-discriminatory workplace. In addition, a new library with over 300 books has been set up at the office to educate and entertain staff.

Upcycling discarded wood and materials is another distinctive feature that contributes to the project’s success in acquiring the BEAM accreditation. In collaboration with social enterprise Cou Tou Studio, Hactl upcycled the terminal’s discarded wooden pallets and old furniture, as well as disused furniture and wood from the local community, and transformed these into new furniture and art installations. These creations combine art, culture and practicality, reflecting Hactl’s commitment to promoting sustainability through its actions.


"The BEAM accreditation is another milestone on our Net-zero carbon journey, and inspires us to carry on with this vitally-important mission."

Hong Kong Air Cargo Terminals Limited

Project Details

Completion Year 2021
Number of Blocks 1
Number of Storeys 3
Type Commercial

Project Team


  • 1/F, Jockey Club Environmental Building, 77 Tat Chee Avenue, Kowloon Tong, Hong Kong.
  • +852 3994 8888
  • enquiry@hkgbc.org.hk

  • © 2024 Hong Kong Green Building Council Limited. All rights reserved.
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