and chat with Akina Fong

The living place is really important to me. I preferred Green architecture.

“I pay great attention to several things when I tour or buy a property: first, there should be more trees around. It's stimulating and spiritual to look through the window for the greenery every morning! Secondly, the free electrical appliances given should be energy-saving and environmentally friendly. This can cut the amount of resources used and save on the electric bills. Lastly, improved ventilation and interior designs give better indoor air quality and more sunlight for indoor illumination. It'll be more relaxing and comfy interior environment! ”

When I wake up and look through the windows, I enjoy the greenery outside. It's refreshing and awakening!

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the BEAM Plus Platinum residential projects

Both you and I should learn how to contribute to our environment.

“Climate changes are pressing. In November, the World Meteorological Organization said 2016 was the hottest year ever. All of us should be responsible for environmental protection.

Surprisingly, many schools are leaders in environmental protection. Besides teaching environmental protection and sustainable development issues, students gain a first-hand experience by enjoying school life in their green and comfortable campuses. I'd like to go back to the past as a student! ”

Some schools have got solar panels, windmills and other facilities for generating renewable energy. I'm interested to visit and learn more for going green.


Projects which are honoured BEAM Plus Platinum ratings are outstanding in protecting our environment. On average, these projects can save 39% of water and 29% of energy. Additionally, over one-third of the areas of these projects are green-covered, which allows the users to be able to see trees and meadows in the city.

In recent years, while many institutions expand in size by constructing new learning and teaching buildings and dormitories, they grasp the opportunities to incorporate more green building elements in their campus designs. Up till now, over 16 institutional projects have been honoured with BEAM Plus Gold ratings or above. Students now enjoy more opportunities to gain hands-on experience in these green campuses.

Average water-saving rate*
Average energy-saving rate*
Average greenery areas*
Number of BEAM Plus Gold or above school projects**

*among protects which have been assessed as the BEAM Plus Platinum Projects (tentative or finalized) in the first quarter of 2015
**among projects which have been assessed as the BEAM Plus Gold Projects or above (tentative or finalized) in December, 2016

Certification Body

BEAM Plus Certification Body

Assessment Body

BEAM Plus Assessment Body

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Venue sponsor:

  • 1/F, Jockey Club Environmental Building, 77 Tat Chee Avenue, Kowloon Tong, Hong Kong.
  • +852 3994 8888

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