and chat with Akina Fong

You thought that infrastructural facilities are always dull and boring? They are actually very green!

“On the street it is easy to find state-of-the-art amenities like substations and pumping rooms making our everyday lives more convenient. One day when I wandered around the neighbourhood, I found that these constructions have all been changed! Plants have been grown all over the place. Inside the infrastructure, you could even hear the sound of flowing water! What’s more, normally I don’t find government buildings special, but on second glance, the government has done quite a lot of greenery works, making the whole building more energy-conserving and more eco-friendly!”

These infrastructural facilities are no longer a boring concrete mass. I think their greenery has blended into the neighbourhood in harmony!

Many buildings have guided tours to assist people in learning more about the environmental characteristics of different buildings. Let’s come here for a walk to learn something new about ecological friendliness!

BEAM Plus Assessment

Hong Kong Green Building Council has recently conducted a survey. Greenery by BEAM Plus projects spans over 700,000 m2 in total, which is an equivalence of 73 Hong Kong Stadiums. These projects are anticipated to conserve electricity of over 400,000MWh annually, which is equivalent to the electricity consumption of 97,900 families* as a year average. 600 million litres of water is expected to be saved, which equals the annual average of water usage of 31,600 families*.

Total greenery area is an equivalence of
Hong Kong Stadium
Saving the annual electricity consumption of
Saving the yearly water consumption of

*4-person families in Hong Kong

Certification Body

BEAM Plus Certification Body

Assessment Body

BEAM Plus Assessment Body

Venue sponsor:

Venue sponsor:

  • 1/F, Jockey Club Environmental Building, 77 Tat Chee Avenue, Kowloon Tong, Hong Kong.
  • +852 3994 8888

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