Design, Build and Operate First Stage of Tseung Kwan O Desalination Plant

New Buildings V1.2
Provisional Platinum

Overall Score
Site Aspects
Materials Aspects
Energy Use
Water Use
Indoor Enviro. Quality
Credit(s)    Innovations and Additions

The Tseung Kwan O Desalination Plant project comprised of the design, building and operation of the first stage of seawater desalination plant at Area 137 of Tseung Kwan O. It is the first plant to use reverse osmosis to produce fresh water from seawater, with a water production capacity of 135 million litres per day (Mld), equivalent to around 5% of Hong Kong’s potable water demand.

The desalination plant will collect seawater from nearby Joss House Bay (Tai Miu Wan) and extract water from seawater by proven filtration and reverse osmosis technology. The water extracted will undergo post-treatment process and then pumped via a 10km long watermain to the Tseung Kwan O Primary Service Reservoir for distribution.

Green Features

Site Aspects

  • Implement the Urban Design Guidelines presented in Chapter 11 of the Hong Kong Planning Standards and Guidelines published by Planning Department.
  • 32% site area as greenery with vertical green and roof edge planting to enhance the quality of the living environment.
  • Adopt roof painting with high Solar Reflectance Index (SRI >78) to reduce the solar heat absorption through the roof, which will otherwise be transmitted into the building and released back to the ambient causing “heat island effect”.

Materials Aspects

  • Over 50% of all timber and composite timber products used were from sustainable sources or recycled timber.
  • Flexible design of services to allow maximum adaptability of indoor space usage.
  • At least 90% of all building material (by mass) are locally sourced from within 800km of the site.

Energy Use

  • 1832 pieces of photovoltaic (PV) panels to be installed, generating renewable energy for 16% of total energy usage, combined with other energy efficient designs for a total of 30% reduction.
  • Life Cycle Assessment (LCA) has been carried out for major elements of the building structures.

Water Use

  • Water saving of 53% through the use of Grade 1 water efficient devices.
  • Saving of 67% irrigation water through rainwater harvesting and selection of local plant species.
  • 58% reduction of annual sewage volume through efficient water systems such as dual flush water closet.

Indoor Environmental Quality

  • Multiple designs to reduce the potential for transmission of harmful bacteria, viruses and odours.
  • Design lighting to optimize the performance of illuminance, glare index and colour rendering index. 

Innovations and Additions

  • Use of BIM to enhance the design process and collaboration with cost and time effectiveness throughout the project life-cycle and to improve the coordination amongst various stakeholders.


Water management in Hong Kong is facing challenges from the growing local population and economic development, as well as increasing competition in the Pearl River Delta on water resources. Various demand management measures are being implemented by the Water Supplies Department (WSD) to contain the fresh water demand growth in Hong Kong.

Under the Total Water Management Strategy promulgated by WSD, desalination shall be used as one of the methods to diversify water resources in Hong Kong. Turning seawater into potable water is a water source not susceptible to the impact of climate change. The Tseung Kwan O Desalination Plant (TKODP) will be the first of its kind in Hong Kong, utilising reverse osmosis technology to produce around 5% of total fresh water consumption with the first stage.

The TKODP is located in a remote area adjacent to Clear Water Bay Country Park and Fill Bank at 137 Area. Despite the contrasting environment, the TKODP was designed to be harmonious with the surrounding landscape, featuring over 30% greenery, a seafront plaza for the public, and façade design that conveys modern architecture with WSD image incorporated. This ensured the Plant will not seem out of place as the nearby area is developed.

As avid supporter of sustainable development in Hong Kong, WSD continues to input huge effort and actively collaborate with various stakeholders to deliver a successful and sustainable desalination plant. Striving to achieve BEAM Plus Final Platinum rating, it demonstrates WSD’s commitment in the pursuit of Hong Kong’s green construction and sustainable communities.

Project Details

Completion Year 2023
Number of Blocks 16
Number of Storeys 22 floors for a total of 16 buildings
Type Government, Institutional and Community

Project Team


  • 1/F, Jockey Club Environmental Building, 77 Tat Chee Avenue, Kowloon Tong, Hong Kong.
  • +852 3994 8888

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