Kwu Tung North and Fanling North New Development Area - Visitor Centre for Long Valley Nature Park

  • Visitor Centre General View (Photomontage)

  • Visitor Centre Southeast View with future Business and Technology Park and Sewage Pumping Station (Photomontage)

  • Visitor Centre Southwest View with future Business and Technology Park and Sewage Pumping Station (Photomontage)

  • Visitor Centre East Facade (Photomontage)

  • Visitor Centre West Facade (Photomontage)

New Buildings V1.2
Provisional Platinum

Overall Score
Site Aspects
Materials Aspects
Energy Use
Water Use
Indoor Enviro. Quality
Credit(s)    Innovations and Additions

New Development Area (NDA) project in the New Territories, including the Kwu Tung North (KTN) and Fanling North (FLN) NDA, form a core part of our multi-pronged land supply strategy in the medium and long term.

Being the largest contiguous freshwater wetland in Hong Kong, Long Valley is widely recognised for its high ecological value and environmental significance. As part and parcel of the KTN/FLN NDA project, CEDD will develop some 37 ha of land at the core area of Long Valley into a nature park for conserving and enhancing the ecologically important environment as well as for compensation of the wetland loss due to the KTN/FLN NDA development (the Long Valley Nature Park (“LVNP”)).  A visitor centre will be constructed for the LVNP to help the public understand the ecological importance of Long Valley. 

Green Features

Site Aspects

  • High solar reflectance index roof material
  • Well design building outline with minimum interference on wind velocity
  • 100% achievement on relevant sub-items of Urban Design Guidelines in the Hong Kong Planning Standards and Guidelines

Materials Aspects

  • Adoption of recycled materials for exterior surfacing work
  • Adoption of air conditioning equipment with low Ozone Depletion and Global Warming Potential

Energy Use

  • Over 32% of annual energy saving with the provision of highly efficient air conditioning system, low Lighting Power Density (LPD) lighting fitment and Photovoltaic panel.
  • Over 20% of building energy consumption obtained from renewable energy sources
  • Adoption of an energy efficient building layout by consideration of optimum spatial planning and building permeability

Water Use

  • Over 70% saving of potable water and over 50% saving of effluent discharge with the provision of water efficient sanitary devices
  • Adoption of rainwater harvesting recycling facilities

Indoor Environmental Quality

  • Adoption of well-designed plumbing system to reduce transmission of bacteria, viruses and odors
  • Over 30% of increase in fresh air ventilation in normally occupied area compared with ASHRAE (American Society of Heating, Refrigerating and Air-Conditioning Engineers) requirement
  • Over 95% of floor area in all normally occupied space achieved with an average daylight factor of 1%

Innovations and Additions

  • Adoption of Post Occupancy evaluation
  • Adoption of daylight sensors at perimeter zones
  • Adoption of BIM system to enhance and improve the coordination of project development


LVNP VC is located just next to LVNP which is the largest contiguous freshwater wetland. Together with sensibly planned spaces based on local standards and guidelines, LVNP VC will provide quality spaces for the public to understand the ecological importance of Long Valley. To harmonize the neighborhood, it is also the intention for designing a “green” LVNP VC by adoption of a variety of green features, such as renewable energy system with the use of photovoltaic panels and rainwater harvesting system for water saving.

Project Details

Completion Year 2023
Number of Blocks 1
Number of Storeys 2
Type Government, Institutional and Community

Project Team


  • 1/F, Jockey Club Environmental Building, 77 Tat Chee Avenue, Kowloon Tong, Hong Kong.
  • +852 3994 8888

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