300 Place Student Hostel at New Asia College of The Chinese University of Hong Kong

  • The new hostel blocks that respect the sight line of existing water tower (collective memory of CUHK alumni), the topography and trees around the site.

  • It creates a hub for the New Asia College complex and reaching out to the main campus.

  • The massing create clear hierarchy from the street to the entrance block, to the hall and then to the dormitory and it dissolves into the surrounding nature.

  • Distinctive blocks composed of clustered living community. The blocks also respond to the typology of the site. Innovative structural design minimize destruction of existing slope.

  • The dynamic plan facilitates interactions with variety.

  • Massing is carefully placed for solar consideration.

  • The glass box is shaded by other blocks. The hostel blocks are shaded by perforated metal screen.

  • Very long corridor is avoided by breaking down the massing to blocks with common space as connector.

  • A welcoming, interactive multi-functional hall as the hubs of the college.

  • A welcoming entrance block which gives a clear identity of the hostel.

New Buildings V1.2
Provisional Platinum

Overall Score
Site Aspects
Materials Aspects
Energy Use
Water Use
Indoor Enviro. Quality
Credit(s)    Innovations and Additions

The design takes on an approach to respect the sight line of existing water tower (collective memory of CUHK alumni), the topography and trees around the site.

To build a dormitory for three hundred students, it is a big building mass to fit into the site. Instead of building a monolithic solid block unharmonious to its surrounding, the massing spreads horizontally to an existing platform that sits ten meters below the original notional site boundary, in order to reduce the appearance of the building mass to the street and from the main mall.

We create a series of volumes that sit on top of one another. The configurations of the blocks merge with the site in plan and weave the different leveled platforms. The blocks curve gently along the natural landscape to respond to the curvatures of the hillside.

With the series stepped blocks, the project becomes the connector between the upper campus and the lower campus.  An existing footpath ties with the ground levels of the building blocks allowing the project to become part of the footpath experience.  The blocks create a series of roof gardens responding to the stepped platforms of the existing site condition.

The planning of the project follows the traditions of a collegial campus making the multipurpose hall as a central quad as a gathering place for this dormitory plan.  The multipurpose hall allows for natural cross ventilation with low-e glass.  Other measures includes placing deep pathways along the south facing façade to reduce the amount of heat gain from daylight while maintaining a bright open space. The pathways face towards the natural landscape outside brining in the sense of greenery to become part of the indoor experience.

Green Features

Site Aspects

  • No carpark provision within the project site
  • 40% soft landscape area are designed to promote green life
  • Wind studies are conducted to minimize microclimate impact from the development

Materials Aspects

  • Aims to achieve at least 20% regionally manufactured materials of all building materials used in the project
  • Adoption of non-CFC refrigerants and insulation material
  • Aims to reduce at least 30% of construction waste in the project

Energy Use

  • Solar hot water pre-heat systems are designed to promote green energy
  • LED lighting fittings are adopted to reduce the electrical consumption
  • High energy efficient A/C units

Water Use

  • Water quality survey will be conducted to ensure the health and safety of building users
  • Adoption of high water efficient devices to reduce water consumption

Indoor Environmental Quality

  • Good class IAQ standard is targeted
  • Adoption of enhanced provisions of Barrier Free Assess to make the build-environment more accessible and friendly
  • Additional amenities for the benefit of building users

Innovations and Additions

  • Community Farming program is introduced to promote green life style of building users
  • Design of cantilevered structure to reduce the waste and construction impact to the existing landscape


Information from CUHK website for information


//As a socially-responsible institution and to fulfill our educational mission, CUHK is committed to being a leader in the research, teaching and institutional practice of environmental sustainability. Such commitment is reflected in the pledge made by the University in its Campus Master Plan to reduce energy consumption and greenhouse gas emissions to combat climate change. The University endeavours to reduce our environmental impact by incorporating sustainability in every aspect of campus life and operation.

Among all the work we are doing, we take great care to conserve the campus ecology and environment. The spacious 137.3-hectare campus of CUHK is not only home to its students and staff but also a myriad of trees, flowers, shrubs, butterflies, birds and other living creatures, including rare and precious species.

This lush and precious endowment is cherished by members of the University community. We have comprehensive policies and guidelines to engage everyone and cultivate an attitude towards green living. Living in harmony with the environment is a major theme of the education here.//

Project Details

Number of Blocks 5
Number of Storeys 4
Type Government, Institutional and Community

Project Team


  • 1/F, Jockey Club Environmental Building, 77 Tat Chee Avenue, Kowloon Tong, Hong Kong.
  • +852 3994 8888
  • enquiry@hkgbc.org.hk

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