Tsing Yi Southwest Leisure Building

  • Front elevation of the building where vibrancy of sports is expressed

  • Bird eye view showing roof greening and 3-tiered lawn

  • Spacious ground floor lobby with abundant daylight

  • Swimming pool with baffle ceiling simulates motion in butterfly stroke

  • Multi-purpose room

  • Common space outside Arena

  • Entrance plaza

  • Covered walkway with dynamic folding roofs

  • Climbing wall facing distant view to the cityscape of Tsing Yi

  • Covered walkway and landscaped deck

New Buildings V1.1
Final Gold

Overall Score

Sitting at mid-level of Tsing Yi against the hillside, the Tsing Yi Southwest Leisure Building provides a place of gathering and enjoyment of sports activities for local residents. The premise consists of an arena, two dancing rooms, a multi-purpose room, a children play room, an outdoor climbing wall, an indoor swimming pool and outdoor lawns.

The project introduces a young image to sports centres in Hong Kong. Vibrancy and sense of motion are expressed by dynamically articulated elements throughout the building. The project also stresses connectivity with neighbours, welcoming open plaza and outdoor covered walkway are provided to connect nearby housing estates.

Green Features

Site Aspects

  • Green roof, 3-tier lawns were provided, which amount to over 30% of green coverage.

Materials Aspects

  • Paving blocks with recycled content were used at external areas on ground floor.

Energy Use

  • Solar panels were installed on roof which contribute to reduction in energy consumption.
  • Energy saving of 10% in annual energy consumption is achieved with the design of building services systems.

Water Use

  • More than 30% of water saving was achieved with provided the water efficient devices.
  • Rain water recycling system was adopted.

Indoor Environmental Quality

  • Natural lighting was introduced to lobbies and majority of common areas.
  • Amenity features including landscape decks and covered walkways were provided for leisure and comfort of visitors.

  • 1/F, Jockey Club Environmental Building, 77 Tat Chee Avenue, Kowloon Tong, Hong Kong.
  • +852 3994 8888
  • enquiry@hkgbc.org.hk

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