• Featuring large multi-storey glass curtain walls that allow abundant natural light to pass through and minimise the energy use.

  • Green element is introduced at Langham Place Mall to provide a refreshing environment for customers.

  • Daylight sensors are installed at the mall that automatically dim or deactivate all non-essential interior electric lights.

  • The use of renewable energy is promoted at Langham Place Mall by installing solar panels on its rooftop.

  • Sufficient recycling bins are put in use at Langham Place Mall to encourage customers’ recycling behaviours.

  • A little oasis is built at the outdoor area of Langham Place Mall.

  • Located at the heart of the Kowloon side, Langham Place Mall is being one of the busiest mall in town.

  • Positioning as a trendy mall leading hip culture, Langham Place Mall has found its way deep into young people’s mind.

Existing Buildings V2.0 (Comprehensive Scheme)
Final Platinum

Overall Score

Langham Place Mall is part of the integrated commercial development of Langham Place that comprises a Grade A office tower, a shopping mall and a five-star hotel. Langham Place Mall is a 15-level, 590,000 gross sq. ft. vertical mall. The Mall has built its reputation as a trendy social and retail landmark for young people. Being one of the busiest malls in town, it boasts a vast array of retail options ranging from hip and trendy lifestyle, health and beauty, sportswear, fashion and accessories.

Asides from providing extraordinary shopping experience for customers, Langham Place Mall also excels in green initiatives that contribute to the sustainable development of the environment and community. It attained the highest rating – Final Platinum under BEAM Plus EB V2.0 Comprehensive Scheme, attaining excellent result with 100% of achieved credits in the aspect of Energy Use.

Green Features


  • Comply with ISO 14001 Environmental Management System (EMS) Certification
  • Comply with ISO 45001 Safety Management System (SMS) Certification
  • Provide regular building service inspection and maintenance
  • Adopt green cleaning detergents

Site Aspects

  • Provide sufficient facilities / services for corporate social responsibility
  • Provide sufficient amenities for operation and maintenance
  • Minimise light pollution caused by external lighting

Materials and Waste Aspects

  • Develop and implement an effective Waste Management Plan
  • Provide sufficient waste recycling facilities
  • Adopt the refrigerants with low Global Warming Potential (GWP)
  • Develop and implement an effective Food Waste Management

Energy Use

  • Implement an Energy Management Policy and Plan
  • CO2 sensors for fresh air demand control
  • Daylight & motion sensors for lighting control
  • Energy efficient LED lighting

Water Use

  • Gold Certificate of Quality Water Supply Scheme for Buildings – Fresh Water (Plus)
  • Silver Certificate of Quality Water Supply Scheme for Buildings – Flushing Water
  • Adopt low flow faucet to achieve water saving

Indoor Environmental Quality

  • Provide a good environment for thermal comfort
  • Implement no smoking policy
  • Indoor Air Quality Certification Scheme - Excellent Class
  • Continuous participation in Indoor Air Quality Certification Scheme

Innovations and Additions

  • Hong Kong Green Awards
  • Hong Kong Awards for Environmental Excellence (HKAEE)
  • Install solar panels to promote renewable energy
  • Adopt Internet of Things (IoT) sensors for water leakage detection


Our motivation to go green

Sustainability has long been central to our business philosophy and culture. We do our utmost to integrate sustainable development into every facet of our business, creating long-term value for not only our business but also the communities in which we operate.

Buildings account for a large amount of energy consumption within the city, it is among our utmost responsibility to save energy and minimise the impacts of building operations to the environment by every possible mean. Environmental protection and go green is therefore a key topic in our sustainability agenda.

Embarking on our journey to go green, we are committed to go in step with the requirements of international green building indices and authoritative awards, including Beam Plus. We have rolled out extensive green initiatives to meet the requirements of the green indices and awards, not only for gaining recognition for our building, but also joining hands with the industry for a greener future.

Go green and embrace wellness 

Along with our initiatives to go green, we have attached great importance to the health and well-being of our customers. Maintaining excellent indoor air quality is among our goals, we have achieved the excellent air quality with HKIAQ Certificate Excellent Class for 10 consecutive years. In addition to air quality, we have achieved satisfactory water quality with WSD Quality Water Scheme for 14 consecutive years.

We have transformed the outdoor area of Langham Place Mall to a little blooming garden, building a small oasis for our customers to take fresh breath, relax their mind and enhance mental wellness.

Promoting plant-based diet and culture to consume less meat is beneficial to the environment and also the physical and mental well-being of our tenants. We have launched the Mindful Eating event at Langham Place in collaboration with Green Common, providing our tenants the plant-based food tasting and learning experience, enabling them to learn how to enhance physical and mental wellness through healthy and mindful eating.

Go green and smart

We have been curtailing energy consumption actively by incorporating innovative measures. Solar panels were installed on the rooftop of Langham Place Mall to generate clean energy for the premise.

Smart sensor is another tool for us to enhance energy efficiency. We installed occupancy sensors to adjust the lighting in the lavatories based on footfall to boost energy efficiency. We have further curbed energy consumption at our property through the installation of daylight sensors, which automatically dim or deactivate all non-essential interior electric lights. We will continue to explore digital solution to make our building more smart, intelligent and resilient going forward. 

Project Details

Completion Year 2004
Number of Blocks 1 (Retail Tower)
Number of Storeys 15
Type Commercial

Project Team

Project Developer / Owner Elvert Castle Holdings Limited
Property Management Keysen Property Management Services Limited
BEAM Plus Consultant BeeXergy Consulting Limited


  • 1/F, Jockey Club Environmental Building, 77 Tat Chee Avenue, Kowloon Tong, Hong Kong.
  • +852 3994 8888
  • enquiry@hkgbc.org.hk

  • © 2024 Hong Kong Green Building Council Limited. All rights reserved.
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