• Hotel Lobby

  • G/F Dining Area Monkey Café

  • 1-2/F Dining Area Golden Valley

  • Fitness Room

  • Executive Suite

  • Executive Suite

  • Executive Corner Room

New Buildings V1.1
Final Bronze

Overall Score

The proposed hotel development is located at 373 Queen’s Road East, Wanchai, Hong Kong. The building consists of 28 floors, with basements for utilities and car park, comprised of the following: ground floor for main lobby, operator office, and café; 1st and 2nd floor for restaurants and lounge; 3rd-24th floor consisting of 299 hotel guestrooms; and the 25th floor for a lounge.

Green Features

Site Aspects

SA2a Car Park Provision & SA2b Public Transport

      • Convenient access to public transport with an average bus interval of less than 5 mins.
      • Less than 3 mins walk to various buses, minibuses stops and tram stations
      • Parking capacity is kept to the minimal of lease requirement to encourage use of public transportation.

SA3a Provision of Basic Services & SA 3b Neighbourhood Recreational Facilities

      • Convenient access to 14 basic services (e.g. supermarket, school, medical facilities, etc.) and 4 recreational facilities (e.g. park, swimming pool, indoor and outdoor sports facilities)

SA4 Site Design Appraisal

      • The project achieves over 90% of relevant design items of the Urban Design Guidelines in HKPSG to encourage greater integration of site within surrounding neighborhood in site planning and design issues, such as public realm, streetscape, safe, convenient and enjoyable access, maximize air circulation, etc.

SA10-13 Environment Management Plan & Emission from Site

      • Environmental mitigation measures were implemented during the construction of the project to minimize the air pollution, noise and water pollution impact to its neighbourhood

SA14 Noise from Building Equipment

      • Quieter building service equipment were selected to reduce the intruding noise nuisance to neighbours. Performance was demonstrated by on-site noise measurement

Materials Aspects

MA8 Ozone Depleting Substances

      • No ozone depleting substances were involved in the manufacture, composition or use of any refrigerants, thermal insulation and refrigeration systems used in the building.

MA10 & MA 11 Demolition / Construction Waste Reduction

      • Over 60% of demolition waste and up to 35% of construction waste was recycled to extend lifespan of materials and reduce burden to landfill.

Energy Use

EU1 Reduction of CO2 Emission – Commercial and Hotel Buildings

      • Overall annual energy saving of 19.7% is achieved for commercial and hotel development
      • High energy performance building envelope with OTTV for tower and podium 50% and 80% better than statutory requirement respectively.
      • High energy efficient air-cooled chiller and split-type AC units
      • Energy efficient lighting designs
      • Lift with high energy efficient motor

EU9 Energy Efficient Appliance

      • 100% of the relevant appliances and equipment (e.g. television) provided are energy efficient products certified with EMSD energy labels

EU12 Metering and Monitoring

      • Provision of separated metering for each E&M systems to facilitate monitoring and analysis of energy consumption.

EU13 Energy Efficient Building Layout

      • Consideration of built form and building orientation, optimum spatial planning, and building permeability provisions of building features to enhance energy conservation and use of natural ventilation.

Water Use

WU1 Annual Water Use

      • Close to 40% of annual fresh water saving achieved through adopting water efficient devices

WU6 Effluent Discharge to Foul Sewers

      • Over 30% of annual effluent discharge volumes is reduced through adopting water efficient flushing devices

Indoor Environmental Quality

IEQ1 Security

      • Various security measures and facilities for the building are adopted

IEQ2 Plumbing and Drainage

      • Over 85% of plumbing and drainage design are compliance with provisions of the Building (Standards of Sanitary Fitments, plumbing, Drainage Works and Latrines) Regulation to avoid transmission of harmful bacteria viruses and odors

IEQ3 Biological Contamination

      • Over 83% of air conditioning and ventilation systems and water systems design are achieved for complying with Code of Practice – prevention of Legionnaires Disease to reduce the risk of biological contamination

IEQ4 Waste Disposal Facilities

      • Provision of de-odorizing system in all refuse collection rooms and chambers to reduce the risk of odor entering public areas

IEQ5a Construction IAQ Management

      • IAQ management plan was implemented during construction period to control indoor air quality during fitting out works and sufficiently clean ventilation systems to safeguard workers’ and occupants’ health and wellbeing.

IEQ6 & IEQ7 Outdoor & Indoor Sources of Air Pollution

      • Air quality measurements were conducted for the whole building to demonstrate compliance with Good Class IAQ Objectives for various air pollutants.

IEQ13a Thermal Comfort In Air-Conditioned Premises – Temperature

      • Air temperature within ± 1.5°C was achieved when air side system is operating under normally occupied periods

IEQ22 Access for Persons with Disability

      • Provision of enhanced provision for disabled access such as wider path, unobstructed wheelchair turning space in front of lift car door, unisex W.C. cubicles etc. for promote social equity and provide ease of access for persons with disability.

IEQ23b Amenities for Improved Operation and Maintenance

      • Provision of hotel for changing room and lavatories for staff, building management system, caretaker office, service lift, gondola, etc. to facilitate building operation and minimize the nuisance to occupants during the maintenance

Innovations and Additions

IA2 Twin tank

      • Provision of twin tank for potable and flushing water system ensures continuity of water supply to users even during tank maintenance. Compared to normal scenario with single tank where water supply would be interrupted during tank cleansing, the second tank in twin tank system serves as a back up to continue supplying water to users while O&M workers does the routine cleaning for the other tank.

Project Details

Completion Year 2017
Number of Blocks 1
Number of Storeys 28
Type Hotel

Project Team

Project Developer / Owner Emperor Project Management (Hong Kong) Limited
Project Manager Emperor Project Management (Hong Kong) Limited
Architect Andrew Lee King Fun & Associates Architects Limited
M&E Engineer Wong & Cheng Consulting Engineers Limited
C&S Engineer Wong & Cheng Consulting Engineers Limited
Quantity Surveyor KPK Quantity Surveyors (China) Limited
Environmental Consultant Allied Environmental Consultants Limited

  • 1/F, Jockey Club Environmental Building, 77 Tat Chee Avenue, Kowloon Tong, Hong Kong.
  • +852 3994 8888
  • enquiry@hkgbc.org.hk

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