• One Island East

  • Cambridge House

  • Devon House

  • Dorset House & PCCW Tower

  • Lincoln House

  • Oxford House

Existing Buildings V2.0 (Comprehensive Scheme)
Final Platinum

Including Cambridge House, Devon House, Dorset House &
PCCW Tower, Lincoln House, One Island East and Oxford House

Swire Properties has always taken great care in developing environmentally sound buildings that are built based on an integrated design approach. This means incorporating sustainable measures throughout a building’s life cycle, from planning and design to operation and maintenance. Additionally, we are committed to reducing the buildings impact on the climate and optimising the efficiency of resource use in our operations.

We support building rating schemes that measure the environmental impacts of buildings, and provide benchmarks and objective standards against our performance is measured.

Cambridge House Devon House Dorset House & PCCW Tower

Existing Buildings V2.0
(Comprehensive Scheme)
Final Platinum [2018]

Existing Buildings V2.0
(Comprehensive Scheme)
Final Platinum [2018]

Existing Buildings V2.0
(Comprehensive Scheme)
Final Platinum [2018]

Total Score:  


Total Score: 


Total Score: 


Lincoln House One Island East Oxford House

Existing Buildings V2.0
(Comprehensive Scheme)
Final Platinum [2017]

Existing Buildings V2.0
(Comprehensive Scheme)
Final Platinum [2018]

Existing Buildings V2.0
(Comprehensive Scheme)
Final Platinum [2018]

Total Score:  


Total Score: 


Total Score: 


Green Features


  • Comply with ISO 14001 Environmental Management System (EMS) Certification
  • Comply with ISO 50001 Energy Management System (EnMS) Certification
  • Comply with OHSAS 18001 Safety Management System (SMS) Certification
  • Provide Electronic Operation and Maintenance Platform

Site Aspects

  • Provide sufficient facilities/services for Corporate Social Responsibility
  • Provide sufficient amenities for operation and maintenance
  • Provide sufficient enhanced barrier free access provisions

Materials and Waste Aspects

  • Provide sufficient waste recycling facilities
  • Develop and implement an effective Waste Management Plan
  • Conduct a waste stream audit

Energy Use

  • Oil-free magnetic bearing chiller
  • Sea water two-speed cooling towers
  • Automatic condenser tube cleaning system
  • Variable speed chilled water pumps and condenser water pumps
  • Heat wheel recovery system
  • CO2 sensors for fresh air demand control
  • Daylight & motion sensors for lighting control
  • Energy efficient LED lighting

Indoor Environmental Quality

  • Indoor Air Quality Certification Scheme - Excellent Class
  • Continuous participation in Indoor Air Quality Certification Scheme

Water Use

  • Grey water recycling system is installed for irrigation water supply
  • Water efficient sanitary fitments
  • Gold Certificate of Quality Water Supply Scheme for Buildings – Fresh Water (Plus)
  • Silver Certificate of Quality Water Supply Scheme for Buildings – Flushing Water
  • Twin-tank system for fresh water supply system and flushing water supply system

Innovations and Additions

  • Green Building Awards 2014 – Grand Award for Existing Building Category of Facilities Management
  • Hong Kong Awards for Environmental Excellence 2014 – Certificate of Merit for Property Management Sector
  • Energywi$e Certificate - Good level
  • IAQwi$e Certificate - Excellence level

  • 1/F, Jockey Club Environmental Building, 77 Tat Chee Avenue, Kowloon Tong, Hong Kong.
  • +852 3994 8888
  • enquiry@hkgbc.org.hk

  • © 2024 Hong Kong Green Building Council Limited. All rights reserved.
  • Disclaimer

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