Industrial Plant Development at Yuen Long For Vogue Laundry Service Limited Relocation Project

  • Natural light design at plant office for energy saving.

  • Green Features at M/F

  • Green roof helps to lower the temperature of the plant

  • Energy efficient production equipment

New Buildings V1.1
Final Gold

Overall Score
Site Aspects
Materials Aspects
Energy Use
Water Use
Indoor Enviro. Quality
Credit(s)    Innovations and Additions

Cathay Pacific has invested 1.8 billion Hong Kong dollars to construct a new Vogue Laundry plant at the Yuen Long Industrial Estate.  This 250,000 square feet, purposely built plant becomes the biggest and most automated laundry in East Asia. The new plant is a BEAM Plus Gold standard building using environmental friendly building material with energy savings equipment and water recycling facilities.

Green Features

Site Aspects

  • Over 40% of the site covering the greenery to provide pleasure environment for the occupants and positive contribution of ecological value of the development.
  • Over 90% of total roof area using high emissivity roofing material and vegetation to mitigate heat island effect.

Materials Aspects

  • Over 70% of timber products from sustainable sources.
  • Over 90% of demolition wastes and over 60% of construction wastes recycled.

Energy Use

  • Over 28% of annual energy consumption saved due to energy efficient design of the development (e.g. lighting system with low LPD, high performance of lift system, orientation of the building, etc.)
  • Separated energy meters installed to measure the electricity consumption of each type of equipment, e.g. MVAC system, lifts, lighting, pumping system, etc.)

Indoor Environmental Quality

  • Construction IAQ management implemented during the construction period to minimize the adverse impacts on the indoor air quality from the construction works.
  • Flush-out and filter replacement conducted after the completion of the construction works and before occupancy.
  • Outdoor ventilation rate exceeding AHSRAE 62.1:2007 requirements by over 30% designed in the development to provide effective delivery to support the well-being and comfort of the occupants.

Water Use

  • Low-flow taps and dual flush toilets adopted to save over 40% of annual water consumption and reduce over 38% of annual sewage discharge respectively.

Innovations and Additions

  • Twin tanks for all water supply systems (including fresh water, flush water, cleansing water and industrial water) adopted to ensure the continuity of water supply during maintenance.

Project Details

Completion Year 2017
Number of Blocks 1
Number of Storeys 6 and 1 Basement
Type Industrial

Project Team

Project Developer / Owner Vogue Laundry Service Limited
Project Manager Vogue Laundry Service Limited
Architect Andrew Lee King Fun & Associates Architects Limited
Landscape Architect ACLA Limited
M&E Engineer MECS Consulting Engineers
C&S Engineer Meinhardt (C&S) Ltd.
Main Contractor Hip Hing Construction Co., Ltd.
Quantity Surveyor Davis Langdon KPK
Environmental Consultant Ramboll Hong Kong Limited
Acoustic Consultant Ramboll Hong Kong Limited
BEAM Consultant Ramboll Hong Kong Limited


  • 1/F, Jockey Club Environmental Building, 77 Tat Chee Avenue, Kowloon Tong, Hong Kong.
  • +852 3994 8888

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