
  • 廠房辦公室設計,採納天然光以助節約能源

  • 閣樓之綠化環境

  • 綠化天台以助降低廠房溫度

  • 節約效用之生產系統

新建建築 1.1版

分    創新



Site Aspects

  • Over 40% of the site covering the greenery to provide pleasure environment for the occupants and positive contribution of ecological value of the development.
  • Over 90% of total roof area using high emissivity roofing material and vegetation to mitigate heat island effect.

Materials Aspects

  • Over 70% of timber products from sustainable sources.
  • Over 90% of demolition wastes and over 60% of construction wastes recycled.

Energy Use

  • Over 28% of annual energy consumption saved due to energy efficient design of the development (e.g. lighting system with low LPD, high performance of lift system, orientation of the building, etc.)
  • Separated energy meters installed to measure the electricity consumption of each type of equipment, e.g. MVAC system, lifts, lighting, pumping system, etc.)

Indoor Environmental Quality

  • Construction IAQ management implemented during the construction period to minimize the adverse impacts on the indoor air quality from the construction works.
  • Flush-out and filter replacement conducted after the completion of the construction works and before occupancy.
  • Outdoor ventilation rate exceeding AHSRAE 62.1:2007 requirements by over 30% designed in the development to provide effective delivery to support the well-being and comfort of the occupants.

Water Use

  • Low-flow taps and dual flush toilets adopted to save over 40% of annual water consumption and reduce over 38% of annual sewage discharge respectively.

Innovations and Additions

  • Twin tanks for all water supply systems (including fresh water, flush water, cleansing water and industrial water) adopted to ensure the continuity of water supply during maintenance.


竣工年份 2017
樓宇數目 1
樓層數目 6層及1層地庫
類別 工業


項目持有人/發展商 雅潔洗衣有限公司
項目經理 雅潔洗衣有限公司
建築師 李景勳、雷煥庭建築師有限公司
園境設計師 傲林國際設計有限公司
機電工程師 德智顧問工程師行
土木及結構工程師 邁進機電工程顧問有限公司
承建商 協興建築有限公司
工料測量師 威寧柏建(香港)有限公司
環保顧問 英環香港有限公司
聲學顧問 英環香港有限公司
綠建環評顧問 英環香港有限公司


  • 香港九龍塘達之路77號賽馬會環保樓1樓
  • +852 3994 8888
  • enquiry@hkgbc.org.hk

  • © 2024 香港綠色建築議會有限公司版權所有
  • 免責聲明


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