and chat with Akina Fong

Working in a green office, we all feel energised!

“It’s better to have an extra wide window next to my office desk. This allows natural light to penetrate into the office, making it bright and awakening! When we get tired in working on chores, we can look out of the window and enjoy the natural scenery. I feel relieved and we can strive forward again! Planting a pot in the office, we can take care of it when having a break. This is relaxing and green plants can refresh indoor air as well!”

With the display of real-time energy usage, I can remind myself not to waste electricity.

If I were to choose a site for the office, I want to choose green commercial buildings too because their environmentally-friendly facilities can help save energy and water!

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BEAM Plus Platinum-rated Commercial Buildings

Merits of green offices

According to a research done by World Green Building Council*, the high quality of indoor air in green offices is effective in boosting the productivity of their staff by 8-11%; investigation by private organisations** also highlights the drop in 5% in the number of times of sick leaves among workers who work in green buildings. Therefore, it is evident that green architectures and green offices are decent in uplifting health and wellbeing, and working performance of the employees.

This year, a number of existing commercial buildings have undergone the assessment of BEAM Plus Existing Buildings (EB), and have been awarded Platinum rating, demonstrating the superior performance in green operation in commercial buildings; several offices have undergone the BEAM Plus Interiors Assessment as well, with, for the first time, office interiors projects beyond the territory of Hong Kong attaining the Platinum rating.
Productivity of employees*
Employees applying for sick leave*
First BEAM Plus Platinum-rated projects
beyond the territory of Hong Kong

*World Green Building Council (2013). The Business Case for Green Building.
**Schneider (2012). “Why Invest in High-Performance Green Buildings”, white paper published on June 2012.

Certification Body

BEAM Plus Certification Body

Assessment Body

BEAM Plus Assessment Body

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Venue sponsor:

  • 1/F, Jockey Club Environmental Building, 77 Tat Chee Avenue, Kowloon Tong, Hong Kong.
  • +852 3994 8888

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