Development Project at 48 Caine Road, Hong Kong

  • Development Project at 48 Caine Road, Hong Kong (Computer Rendering)

  • Outward Appearance of Development Project at 48 Caine Road, Hong Kong (Computer Rendering)

  • Development Project at 48 Caine Road, Hong Kong(Site Model)

New Buildings V1.2
Provisional Platinum

The project is located at Mid-levels of Hong Kong. This project includes a 27 storey composite building consisting of residential tower, a commercial podium and a clubhouse, offering landscaped gardens and multi-functional leisure facilities.

The building is designed in streamline shaped appearance with several environmental features including open entrance plaza, greenery areas and units of greater natural ventilation & lighting. The clubhouse, lobby and different flat size units are also equipped with intelligence management system and high-end finishes. In addition, enhancement work for common area will also be carried out to integrate the surrounding environment.

Green Features

This development project incorporates with several green features and environmental considerations in building and architectural design: - 

  • Excellent site location which makes full use of public transport and neighborhood amenities that results in an environmental friendly site planning and design.
  • Enhanced green landscaping design with pervious hard landscape and green soft landscape.
  • Residential flats feature balcony per unit which allows greater natural ventilation and an integration of environment and architecture.
  • The open entrance plaza counterbalances the dense urban context and offers landscape, tranquility and more public space.
  • Carefully selected building equipment and material that reduce environmental pollution to the community and minimize both regional and global impact.
  • High performance building services system and energy efficient appliances contribute to reduction in annual carbon emission and electricity demands.
  • Provision of operable windows above the required standard to maximize the use of natural ventilation.
  • Selection of highly water efficient devices which contributes to additional annual fresh water saving.
  • Appropriate architectural design to provide comfortable levels of room acoustics and background noises.


Developed by YUZHOU Properties Company Limited, the project is located at Mid-levels of Hong Kong. It includes a 27 storey high-end composite building consisting of residential tower and commercial podium. To fully integrate with the superiority in existing environment and neighborhood amenities, enhancement works of common area and associated facilities would also be carried out.

The development concept for this project includes the fully utilization of building height, floor area and advantages of adjacent circulation & amenities, it is also designed with several green features for environmental and sustainable purposes to conform with the increasing market demand of high quality building. Through the well experienced professional project team in close cooperation,  we expect to get the result with the best balance and satisfaction in all aspects.

Following the concept of "Building Cities with Heart, Building Home with Love", The Group committed to continuously providing the quality living environment for our respected residents. For the achievement of the Platinum Rating under the BEAM Plus of HKGBC, the sustainable features incorporating Site Planning & Design, Material Selection, High-performance Building Equipment, Water Saving, Environmental Quality and Construction management etc. can be ensured.


Project Details

Number of Blocks 1 Block
Number of Storeys 27 Storey
Type Residential

Project Team

Project Developer / Owner Yuzhou Properties Company Limited
Architect L & N Architects Limited
M&E Engineer Richmond Consulting Engineers
Main Contractor Kin Shing (Leung's) General Contractors Limited
Quantity Surveyor Rider Levett Bucknall Limited
Sustainable Design Consultant Telemax Environmental and Energy Management Limited
Design Architect and Interior Designer ICE - ideas for contemporary environments
Structural and Geotechnical Engineer Wong & Cheng Consulting Engineers Limited

  • 1/F, Jockey Club Environmental Building, 77 Tat Chee Avenue, Kowloon Tong, Hong Kong.
  • +852 3994 8888

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