Lee Garden One Offices

  • Lee Garden One Offices

  • Lee Garden One green driveway

  • Renovated shuttle lift lobby

  • Hysan’s Head Office at Lee Garden One

  • Renovated toilet

  • Renovated pantry with recycling bins

  • Additional EV charger

  • Tesla Supercharger

  • Stakeholder engagement event at Lee Garden One

  • Most Improved Trainees Award

Existing Buildings V1.2
Final Platinum

Overall Score

Lee Garden One Offices is the flagship office building within Hysan’s portfolio. It was completed in 1997, and since then the Property Services Team has been looking for ways to maintain and improve the building’s office portion in a range of areas, from health, safety and environmental management to building and site operation and maintenance. We have also enhanced our waste management, water and energy use, as well as indoor environmental quality.

In 2017, Lee Garden One Offices has achieved Final Platinum rating under BEAM Plus Existing Buildings Certification (Commercial Building). Despite the challenge of fulfilling the standard’s stringent requirements for a 1990s commercial building, Hysan’s Property Services Team succeeded by making improvements on various aspects of asset enhancement and green management.

Green Features

Hysan Development has achieved another first in its quest for better green buildings in Hong Kong with the awarding of a Final Platinum rating under BEAM Plus Existing Buildings certification by the Hong Kong Green Building Council for Lee Garden One’s office portion. The 20-year-old building had to be updated both in terms of asset enhancements and green management to excel in a range of areas, from health, safety and environmental management to building and site operation and maintenance, all the way to waste management, water and energy use as well as indoor environmental quality.

Energy Use

  • Asset enhancement: A new energy-efficient centralised air-conditioning system was installed between 2010 and 2012, which gave a substantial 44.1% saving in annual energy consumption of office tower in comparison with the baseline requirements of BEAM Plus.
  • Starting in 2016, Hysan has adopted the Energy Accounting System using smart meters at Lee Garden One Offices. The system enables the technical team to have a real time understanding of energy consuming patterns and identifies operational problems as well as energy saving opportunities.

Water Use

  • Water efficient devices including water efficient faucets and dual flush water closets have been installed in new office toilets, achieving a 75.3% annual potable water saving and 25.4% annual sewage volume reduction when compared to the baseline requirements of BEAM Plus.


  • Green purchasing practices are in place for all Lee Garden One Offices. For example, many environmentally-friendly “green seal” cleaning agents are now used, which help to provide a healthier indoor environment for office tenants and reduce the cost of running the ventilation system. Other green products include recycled paper and low-emission paints.
  • To promote green operations in the offices, a Growing Sustainability guide has been distributed to all office tenants to encourage green practices.

Materials Aspects

  • Hysan is highlighting the importance of recycling with additional recycling bins on some office floors, while chemical waste like fluorescent tubes are collected and sent to the collection points for recycling.
  • Lee Garden One Offices has achieved “Class of Excellence” standard in the Hong Kong Government’s Wastewi$e Labelling scheme for over 10 years.

Indoor Environmental Quality

  • Hysan has vigorously monitored and provided solutions to improve air quality of our buildings. Lee Garden One Offices has achieved “Excellent Class” standard in the Hong Kong Government’s IAQ Certification Scheme for many years.

Innovations and Additions

  • Hysan also contribute to the improvement of air quality in the surrounding areas by partnering with Tesla Motors to install two Superchargers in 2014 and added more electric vehicle charging bays at Lee Garden One car park in 2015.  
  • Hysan always commits to encourage office tenants of office tower to have "Green Lifestyle". “Green Living Engagement Programme” has been launched at Lee Garden One Offices since 2013, which aims to raise tenants’ environmental awareness. Hysan’s “Green Living Engagement Programme” includes a series of environmental activities and initiatives, which include Government’s initiatives, green groups partnership programmes, environmental workshops, circulars and daily communications. Through Hysan’s “Green Living Engagement Programme”, we proactively encourage the tenants to pursue Green Living and further influence to their family members and friends positively for "behavioral change" in having green living style.


Project Details

Number of Blocks 1
Number of Storeys 52
Type Commercial

Project Team

Project Developer / Owner Hysan Property Management Limited
Environmental Consultant Business Environment Council Limited


  • 1/F, Jockey Club Environmental Building, 77 Tat Chee Avenue, Kowloon Tong, Hong Kong.
  • +852 3994 8888
  • enquiry@hkgbc.org.hk

  • © 2024 Hong Kong Green Building Council Limited. All rights reserved.
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