Long Ching Estate, Yuen Long

  • Green Roof helps to mitigate urban heat island effect.

  • GMS Precasted railings facilitate natural ventilation to internal corridors and lobbies with integration of estate colours, it becomes a unique estate own feature and improves the sense of belonging.

  • Landscape Stripe providing hierarchy of streetscape with integration of seating area and greening provision.

  • GMS Precasted railings facilitate natural ventilation with integration of estate colours.

  • Colour Code being used at different towers and floor wings for easy way finding.

  • Courtyard as Multi-Purpose outdoor activities area.

  • GMS Precasted railings facilitate natural ventilation to internal corridors and lobbies with integration of estate colours, it becomes a unique estate own feature and improves the sense of belonging.

  • Colour Code being used at different towers and floor wings for easy way finding.

  • Table tennis court for residents’ activities.

  • GMS Precasted railings facilitates natural ventilation to internal corridors and lobbies with integration of estate colours, it becomes a unique estate own feature and improves the sense of belonging.

  • Located at Yuen Long Town centre, Long Ching Estate is an exemplary demonstration for sustainable public housing design in a high constraint urban living environment attributive the balanced use of green technologies and basic architectural passive design principles.

New Buildings V1.2
Final Platinum

Overall Score

Located at Yuen Long Town Centre, Long Ching Estate is an exemplary demonstration for sustainable public housing design in a high constraint urban living environment attributive the balanced use of green technologies and basic architectural passive design principles.

Green Features

Site Aspects (SA)

  • 31.2% greenery is provided on site, with horizontal and vertical soft landscape
  • AVA for improvement on pedestrian level air ventilation in the vicinity by lower building height of one block, increase of the width of building separation and optimized building shape
  • Roof materials meeting the SRI78 or vegetation roof covering 70% of the total roof area
  • Over 12% VDF at the façades of the lowest floors of neighbouring sensitive receivers
  • To avoid lighting pollution, exterior lighting fulfils the requirements in environmental zone E3

Materials Aspects (MA)

  • Shaft Grouted Barrett (special pile) reduces concrete use
  • Modular and standardised components in building with 40% prefabricated building elements including facades, staircases, slabs and partition walls.
  • 69.5% of timber and composite timber products are from sustainable source
  • 66.3% construction materials were manufactured within 800km from the site

Energy Use (EU)

  • Permeability of the site at low to high zone is 43.37% to 63.82%
  • Average solar irradiance of all facades for Block1 and Block2 is 230.89kWh/m2 and 218.63kWh/m2 between Apr-Oct
  • Overall OTTV for this portion of the development is 17.0W/m2
  • 22.59% habitable areas complied with the ventilation requirement (prescriptive approach)
  • 94.2% of the habitable spaces achieve a VDF>12%
  • MVAC energy saving of 98.6% achieved by natural ventilation on all lift lobbies and corridor areas and high efficiency fans in plantroom and other spaces.
  • Block1 and Block2 is able to achieve lighting energy reduction of 43.2% and 37.5%
  • Lift energy saving greater than 10% in comparison with BEC2012
  • PV Systems contributing 2.6% communal area energy use

Water Use (WU)

  • Water efficient devices adopted to achieve 31.8% of annual water saving and 41.8% reduction in effluent discharge volumes.
  • Water leakage detection system at water tank, pump rooms and the lowest floors pipe duct.
  • With the use of native species, high efficiency irrigation including sprinkler and drip systems and the harvested rainwater system, 64.9% of freshwater saving for irrigation is achieved.

Indoor Environmental Quality (IEQ)

Various measures to enhance indoor environmental quality. Design considerations including but not limited to the following:-

  • Security, Plumbing and drainage hygiene and health, waste disposal facilities,
  • Indoor air quality (IAQ), thermal comfort, domestic block natural ventilation
  • interior lighting, vibration control,
  • provisions for access for disabled persons, and provision of amenity features for enhancing building quality and improving O&M

Innovations and Additions (IA)

  • Two-level lighting control
  • Deodourising system (Biological agent) for Refuse Collection Point
  • Multi-sensory Map
  • Root Zone Irrigation System
  • Twin Tank
  • Hard Paved Construction and Reuse (Improve site safety and cleanliness)
  • Air Pollutant Removal Pavers and Eco-Glass Paving


Place Making for Dwellings.


Project Details

Completion Year 2016
Number of Blocks 2 nos. (Yat Long House, Ching Long House)
Number of Storeys Yat Long House: 19
Ching Long House: 30
Podium: 1
Type Residential

Project Team


  • 1/F, Jockey Club Environmental Building, 77 Tat Chee Avenue, Kowloon Tong, Hong Kong.
  • +852 3994 8888
  • enquiry@hkgbc.org.hk

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