Christian Family Service Centre Jockey Club Building BEAM Plus Accreditation and Enhancement Project

Existing Buildings V2.0 (Comprehensive Scheme)
Final Platinum

Overall Score
Site Aspects
Materials and Waste Aspects
Energy Use
Water Use
Indoor Enviro. Quality
Credit(s)    Innovations and Additions

Christian Family Service Centre (CFSC) is a multi-services agency with mission to support and enhance family functioning and to foster an environment for growth and change.

CFSC is committed to provide “Services for a Better City” and strive to promote sustainable development of the community.  With the generous donation from The Hong Kong Jockey Club Charities Trust, CFSC had successfully transformed the existing headquarter building into an accredited “green building” with overall Platinum rating, through retrofitting its existing building facilities (including installation of water-cooled chillers and related systems, enhancement of ventilation system, installation of building management system, water-efficient devices, and food decomposer, etc.) and implementing various sustainability-related green policies and plans.

Green Features


  • Formulate and implement sustainability policy and various green policies and plans, such as Green Purchasing Plan, Green Cleaning Plan, and Pest Management Plan, etc.
  • Operate planned programme of regular inspection and maintenance of building areas and different facilities and systems
  • Formulate and Implement Occupational Health and Safety System to promote health and safety

Site Aspects

  • Signing up to the “Charter on External Lighting” implemented by the Environmental Bureau, and formulate and implement External Lighting Policy and switch off all the external lightings of signboard and banner from 10:00 pm
  • Provide various corporate social responsibility facilities/ services, e.g. Free Wi-Fi in common area, and Automated External Defibriliator.
  • Provide enhanced barrier free access provisions

Materials and Waste Aspects

  • Formulate and implement Waste Management Plan and sign the "Food Wise Charter"
  • Install food decomposer to recycle food waste from the building users. Around 5100kg food waste was recycled in 2021
  • Install recycle bins at different floors of the building to facilitate staff and public users for recycling and waste reduction
  • Formation of Internal Green Review Working Group to regular review the implementation of various policies and plans and recommend initiatives for Green promotion
  • Monitor the effectiveness of waste management plan with record of recycled items, food waste recycled and volume of waste disposed.

Energy Use

  • Formulate and Implement Energy Management Policy
  • Installation of water-cooled chiller system to replace air-cooled chillers for energy saving
  • Good energy performance (top 11%-20%) when comparing with other similar building using EMSD online benchmarking tool
  • Annual energy consumption by facilities in common areas reduced by around 30% by comparing 2021 with 2015

Water Use

  • Install water-efficient devices at toilets to reduce water consumption
  • Annual water consumption reduced by around 25% (excluding the consumption by cooling tower) by comparing 2021 with 2015
  • Award of Quality Water Supply Scheme (Fresh Water) Blue Certificate by the Water Supplies Department

Indoor Environmental Quality

  • Internal air quality and ventilation of common areas enhanced with the modification of centralized fresh air duct and replacement of air handling units
  • Award of HKSAR IAQ Certification Scheme Good Class
  • Conduct Building User Satisfaction Survey on Indoor Comfort regularly for continuous improvement

Innovations and Additions

  • Provide public spaces to organize environmental promotional events for the community, such as Educational Programme to encourage waste recycling, Charity Sales event, etc. 

Project Details

Completion Year 2021
Number of Blocks 1
Number of Storeys 10
Type Government, Institutional and Community

Project Team


  • 1/F, Jockey Club Environmental Building, 77 Tat Chee Avenue, Kowloon Tong, Hong Kong.
  • +852 3994 8888

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