• An aerial photomontage of Yuen Long Effluent Polishing Plant

  • Entrance Plaza and Administration Building (Photomontage)

  • River-side Walkway Overview (Photomontage)

  • Building Façade along Promenade (Photomontage)

  • Roof Garden and Bird Hide (Photomontage)

Neighbourhood V1.0

Overall Score
Community Aspects
Site Aspects
Materials and Waste Aspects
Energy Aspects
Water Aspects
Outdoor Enviro. Quality
Credit(s)    Innovations and Additions

Yuen Long Effluent Polishing Plant (YLEPP) is one of Drainage Services Department’s iconic projects that will adopt the most advanced sewage treatment technologies and features green design and community provisions.  Portion of the plant will be transformed into public co-use area.  These will serve as a medium, educating and promoting the public on sustainability.  Treated sewage effluent shall be reused to reduce water consumption within the site.  The biogas from treatment process are harvested to act as fuel for the combined heat and power system.  Large areas of photovoltaic panels are installed on the building roof to maximize the use of limited land in YLEPP.  Together with new community co-use provisions, reuse of effluent and renewable energy systems, YLEPP aims to recreate a public image on sewage treatment plants and seamlessly implement it into a local neighbourhood environment.

Green Features

Community Aspects

  • Extensive community engagement with environmental groups to mitigate potential impacts to surrounding ecological sensitive areas
  • Neighbourhood Recreational facilities, such as promenade and shaded sitting areas are located within 500m walking distance from YLEPP
  • Reinforce placemaking and local character of surrounding wetland and greenery area in YLEPP’s architectural and landscape design

Site Aspects

  • YLEPP provides over 15% of total site area as publicly accessible open space, green space and blue assets to attract visitors
  • The high quality open spaces are connected with well-planned covered pedestrian routes
  • New landscaped areas to enhance ecological value of the YLEPP

Materials and Waste Aspects

  • Integrated Waste Management Plan will be put in place in YLEPP to promote the reduction, reuse and recycling of waste
  • Waste processing facilities will be provided on site
  • On-site personnel to oversee and facilitate the effective operation of the waste management facilities

Energy Aspects

  • A district energy system (combined heat and power unit, or CHP unit) will be provided to generate electricity and heat to be utilized within the project site
  • YLEPP will employ a shared renewable energy system consisting of CHP and PV panels to supply over 7% of the energy demand within the project site
  • 100% of the annual estimated external lighting energy demand within the site is offset by renewable energy

Water Aspects

  • Pervious materials are used for hard landscaped areas
  • Soft landscape area is provided to facilitate infiltration to avoid surface runoff
  • A portion of the treated sewage effluent from YLEPP will be recycled into reclaimed water for non-potable use

Outdoor Environmental Quality Aspects

  • Open spaces maintained buffer distance to nearby air pollution sources (e.g. roads, chimneys)
  • Disposition of buildings designed to mitigate urban heat island effect
  • Good visual quality of recreational open spaces within the project site


Project Background

The existing Yuen Long Sewage Treatment Works (YLSTW), was commissioned in 1984 with a design capacity of 70,000 m³/day provides secondary level treatment to sewage catchment from Yuen Long area such as Wang Chau, Yuen Long Industrial Estate, the Yuen Long Town and Kam Tin.  Due to future needs, the existing YLSTW will be upgraded to Yuen Long Effluent Polishing Plant (YLEPP) with tertiary treatment level and increased capacity from 70,000m³/day to 150,000m³/day in 2 stages.  The discharge standard will be enhanced from the implementation of the project.

YLEPP and Neighborhood

During the planning stage, YLEPP had been highly involved in public engagement in gathering support from stakeholders, such as rural committee, district council and green groups.  Views from stakeholders on odour, ecological and environmental aspects, etc. are received and the design options have been reviewed to minimize the potential environmental impacts through various mitigation measures.  For example, rooftop bird hide in lieu of floating bridge on Shan Pui River was adopted to avoid ecological impacts but maintain its education purpose.  The process of public engagement had successfully balances the stakeholder’s concerns to solicit consensus on this project.


YLEPP is located near wetlands and rivers, it is accessible to green space and blue assets.  Together with sensibly planned spaces based on local standards and guidelines, YLEPP provided high quality recreational spaces for the public.  Renewable energy systems, like combined heat and power generation and photovoltaic panels are adopted as energy sources to the site.  With the above major strategies, YLEPP reached the BEAM Plus Platinum rating.

Project Details

Type Mixed Use

Project Team


  • 1/F, Jockey Club Environmental Building, 77 Tat Chee Avenue, Kowloon Tong, Hong Kong.
  • +852 3994 8888
  • enquiry@hkgbc.org.hk

  • © 2024 Hong Kong Green Building Council Limited. All rights reserved.
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