The Three-Runway System of Hong Kong International Airport – Terminal 2 Expansion

  • 3RS Green Airport Design Strategy

  • Green roofs and nearby landscaped areas at the expanded T2 building

  • Departure kerbside canopy at the Expanded T2 building

  • Expanded T2 building with enhanced energy efficiency

New Buildings V1.2
Provisional Platinum

Overall Score
Site Aspects
Materials Aspects
Energy Use
Water Use
Indoor Enviro. Quality
Credit(s)    Innovations and Additions

As part of the Three-Runway System (3RS) project, the existing Terminal 2 (T2) at Hong Kong International Airport (HKIA) will be expanded to provide full-fledged terminal services, serving departure, arrival and transfer operations.  The expanded T2 consists of an 8-level Main Building, and a North and South Annex Buildings with 7 levels and 4 levels respectively. 

The need and design of the expanded T2 had been studied in detail since the 3RS project’s scheme design stage.  The design of the expanded T2 will provide an airport terminal that facilitates a simple, direct and efficient flow for passengers ad baggages via a new Automated People Mover (APM) system and also a new Baggage Handling System (BHS) that link the expanded T2 with a new Third Runway Passenger Building.  The expanded T2 has been designed as an exemplary sustainable building that contributes to HKIA’s pledge to be one of the world’s greenest airports.

Green Features

Energy Use

  • The project team has systematically evaluated and prioritized the best possible combination of passive design strategies and low-energy active design techniques and these have been incorporated into the design of the project.
  • High energy-performance glazing, wall and roof materials on the building facades will provide excellent thermal isolation performance, leading to a reduced overall thermal transfer value (OTTV).
  • Adopting a seawater cooling system as part of the design for reducing energy use.
  • Digital addressable lighting interface (DALI) will be adopted for enhanced dimming control and increased energy saving.
  • Photovoltaic panels will be installed as part of the roof design to offset energy consumption.

Materials Aspects

  • The T2 Expansion project has reused structures of the existing building as far as practicable. Demolished materials will be reused onsite or offsite as far as possible.
  • Pavers with recycled content will be used for site exterior works.
  • Building materials with recycled content will be used for interior components where applicable.
  • Targeted to source more than 20% of building materials locally or from within 800km of the project site.

Site Aspects

  • Greenery coverage has been optimized while taking into account the need to control any increased risk of bird hazard when landscaping and greenery may provide food or shelter that attract birds in the aerodrome.
  • Construction phase environmental impact has been mitigated and actively monitored.

Water Use

  • The project will adopt low flow sanitary fittings to achieve saving in potable water consumption and sewage discharge.
  • An extensive water leakage detection system will be installed for monitoring any water leakage from the fresh water distribution system.

Indoor Environmental Quality

  • Measures have been incorporated into the design to achieve required performance for aspects related to security; plumbing and drainage; hygiene; indoor air quality; ventilation; thermal comfort; acoustics and building amenities to enhance the quality and functionality of the building.
  • Emissions of air pollutants will be minimized from the outset via selecting and using low-emitting materials for achieving higher indoor air quality.

Innovations and Additions

  • Reuse and recycling of construction and demolition materials generated from the T2 Expansion works have been facilitated and maximized.  Liaised with CEDD and have set up sorting facilities at the Government’s fill banks to maximize the reuse and recycling of public fill in the 3RS works contracts..
  • Building Information Modelling (BIM) has been extensively applied in the project for enhanced coordination of project details by all relevant parties.


The Airport Authority Hong Kong (AAHK) has a pledge to develop, with its business partners, HKIA at Chek Lap Kok as one of the world’s greenest airports.  For contribution to delivery of the HKIA’s greenest airport pledge, the green airport design process for the T2 Expansion commenced early at the 3RS project’s scheme design stage, with the undertaking of benchmarking studies, including review of existing green design practices at HKIA and overseas airports, and evaluation of sustainable design initiatives.   These initiatives have been further studied during the project’s detailed design stage before the final set of measures have been identified for implementation during both the construction and operation phases of the project.

AAHK has targeted to achieve, where practicable, the highest possible rating in the BEAM Plus assessment and relevant green measures have been incorporated into the design of the T2 Expansion project.  Yet, given the special functional, security and operational needs of a typical passenger building that is located within an operating airport, it was recognized that there are certain specific BEAM Plus credit requirements that cannot be directly applied to the project in a typical or straightforward sense.  For example, there are significant constraints associated with the design and provision of external planting areas as part of the project, when bird control is vital for operational safety at HKIA.  Therefore, AA had decided to adopt BEAM Plus Bespoke assessment route designed by the BEAM Society for special building types when it was first launched in 2016.  It is understood that the project is the first BEAM Plus Bespoke project that has been registered and completed the Provisional Assessment in Hong Kong.

Project Details

Completion Year 2024
Number of Blocks 1 Main Building and 2 Annex Buildings
Number of Storeys 8 levels in Main Building;
4 levels in South Annex Building; and 7 levels in North Annex Building
Type Government, Institutional and Community

Project Team

Project Developer / Owner Airport Authority Hong Kong
Project Manager AECOM Asia Company Limited
Architect Aedas Limited
Landscape Architect AECOM Asia Company Limited
M&E Engineer AECOM Asia Company Limited
C&S Engineer AECOM Asia Company Limited
Facade Consultant AECOM Asia Company Limited
Quantity Surveyor Rider Levett Bucknall Limited
Sustainable Design Consultant AECOM Asia Company Limited
Environmental Consultant Mott MacDonald Hong Kong Limited
Acoustic Consultant AECOM Asia Company Limited
Main Contractor (for foundation and substructure works) Leighton-Chun Wo Joint Venture
Main Contractor (for Superstructure Works) Gammon Engineering & Construction Company Limited

  • 1/F, Jockey Club Environmental Building, 77 Tat Chee Avenue, Kowloon Tong, Hong Kong.
  • +852 3994 8888

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