Kai Long Court

  • Kai Long Court

  • Retail Block

  • Children's Play Area

  • Landscaped Area near Bicycle Parking Spaces

  • Fence Wall using Composite Timber Product

  • Landscaped Area

  • Green Roof

New Buildings V1.2
Final Gold

Overall Score

Kai Long Court is one of the Home Ownership Scheme developments, comprising 3 high-rise residential buildings with a total of 683 units.  The development is located at 18 Muk On Street, Kai Tak, Kowloon City District, providing a Retail Block, Children’s Play Area and basement carpark, etc.

Green Features

Site Aspects

  • Provision of landscaped areas, including vertical greenery and green roof, with more than 30% green coverage
  • Conducting computer simulation studies to minimize the impact generated by the development to the neighborhood’s daylight access
  • Reduction of lighting pollution to the surrounding

Materials Aspects

  • Using timber and composite timber products from sustainable sources
  • Prefabrication for facades, staircases and slabs
  • Adoption of non CFC-based refrigerants and ozone-depleting substances in thermal insulation materials

Energy Use

  • Adoption of passive design to save energy, including consideration on master layout plan, selection of materials for external walls of buildings, domestic lobbies with natural ventilation and lighting, etc
  • Energy efficient systems including lighting and elevator system
  • Using Life Cycle Analysis tool to study the embodied energy of building materials

Water Use

  • Using water efficient device to save annual water consumption of approximate 26%
  • Using water efficient sanitary fixtures to reduce annual effluent discharge of approximate 50%

Indoor Environmental Quality

  • Provisions for hygiene, ventilation and amenity features for enhanced quality and functionality of the development
  • Due consideration on noise impact in development design and construction stages

Innovations and Additions

  • Multi-Sensory Map
  • Two level lighting control system
  • Provision of twin water tanks for both potable and flushing water systems to ensure continuous water supply even during maintenance

Project Details

Completion Year 2019
Number of Blocks 3 Domestic Blocks and 1 Retail Block
Number of Storeys Block A: 34 storeys Block B: 29 storeys Block C: 25 storeys
Type Residential

Project Team


  • 1/F, Jockey Club Environmental Building, 77 Tat Chee Avenue, Kowloon Tong, Hong Kong.
  • +852 3994 8888
  • enquiry@hkgbc.org.hk

  • © 2024 Hong Kong Green Building Council Limited. All rights reserved.
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