The Hong Kong University of Science and Technology Shaw Auditorium

  • View from Campus South entrance

  • Aerial perspective

  • View of Ground Floor Lobby

  • View of upper floor foyer

  • View of Auditorium (concert mode)

  • View of Auditorium (theatre mode)

  • Internal organization axonometric for different modes

New Buildings V1.2
Provisional Platinum

Overall Score
Site Aspects
Materials Aspects
Energy Use
Water Use
Indoor Enviro. Quality
Credit(s)    Innovations and Additions

Shaw Auditorium is a new landmark of the University that not only allows for the hosting of large events, but also adds much needed space for teaching and cultural activities that will enrich the lifestyle and learning experience of all students, staff and alumni. The multi-purpose auditorium, a state-of-the-art building in elliptical shape, will feature high atrium spaces, extensive cantilevered structures and a world-class acoustic design. It will stand as a gateway to the University in the south and act as a new node linking the original University with the newer extensions. The landscaping around the auditorium will connect to an exceptional sloping green area complete with ancient trees. Its position along the pedestrian spine of the University ensures the building will be lively at all times. This magnificent new addition will further the University’s and surrounding community’s humanistic development.

Green Features

Site Aspects

  • More than 50% of total roof area will be installed with high Solar Reflective Index (SRI ≥ 78) roofing materials
  • More than 40% of the site area will be covered with greenery

Materials Aspects

  • Non-ozone depleting refrigerants with low global warming potential will be used in air-conditioning units
  • At least 2.5% of all building materials will be rapidly renewable materials
  • At least 50% of all permanent timber and composite timber products used in the project will be from sustainable sources

Energy Use

  • High performance building systems will be installed to reduce the building energy consumption by more than 20% as compared to the baseline setting in EMSD Building Energy Code
  • Renewable energy system will be installed to offset more than 2.5% of the total building energy consumption
  • Separate energy sub-meters will be provided to measure the electricity consumption of different building services systems

Water Use

  • Water efficient sanitary fittings will be installed to reduce the potable water consumption and effluent discharge by at least 30% and 20% respectively compared to the BEAM Plus baseline

Indoor Environmental Quality

  • HKIAQ “Good” Class with respect to various indoor and outdoor pollutants shall be achieved
  • Vibration levels from building equipment and temperature variation of AC system will be verified to comply with internationally recognized standards and BEAM Plus requirement through measurements

Innovations and Additions

  • Twin tank design will be incorporated for the potable water system and flushing system
  • Independent Commissioning Authority will be engaged throughout the testing and commissioning process


Being one of the local sustainability pioneers, HKUST has recognized the transition to sustainable built environment and the important role of campus itself as a hands-on learning environment. The HKUST has continued its effort to foster a green and sustainable campus through a series of initiatives: HKUST has since long implemented major energy saving activities to cut carbon emission since 1997. Continuous upgrading of campus facilities such as widely application of LED lamps, installation of high-efficiency chillers and renewable energies shows great potential in GHGs emission avoidance. In year 2014, around 11,958 tons of CO2 emission was reduced and more is expected with these on-going efforts. The HKUST 2020 Sustainability Challenge is an action plan launched as first step towards reductions in energy, carbon footprint and material usage. Efforts made are mainly focus on four areas, i.e. education, operation, demonstration and community. The five year reduction targets i.e. 10% GHG emission saving and 50% waste reduction by 2020 compared with 2013-14 scenario, are considered key performance indicators that are aggressive and achievable, which the development of the Shaw Auditorium shall be contributing to. A primary goal of the Shaw Auditorium development is to promote and extend HKUST’s efforts on comprehensive building sustainability and deliver an iconic sustainable auditorium that incorporates a wide range of site-specific green features. The primary strategy to enhance project sustainability is to fully utilize the existing facilities within campus and local resources to minimize carbon footprint.

The project site is located to the east of Port Shelter harbour where rich wind resource is expected. Easterly and northeasterly wind dominate throughout the year. The low-density surrounding reveals promising opportunity for penetration of sea breeze to the site. Strategies below are integrated into design to improve local wind environment. The main facade is aligned with the direction of the prevailing wind (northeasterlies) to minimise the blockage effect to the existing wind corridors. The curvilinear geometry adopted in the design of the facade also mitigates the risk of gust caused by cornering effects.

Lobby / foyer users with exposure to natural light and view tend to be less fatigued and find the space more enjoyable. The limited height of developments in the vicinity provides great opportunity to capture natural light. Large glazing area is proposed under current facade design concept, which would provide daylight and extensive view to the campus and ambient greenery. The lighting quality of the artificial lighting in all spaces shall meet international standards such as CIE / CIBSE / IESNA. The lighting quality is of utmost importance for occupants conducting the required tasks in the spaces. This is particularly important for learning spaces as this will directly affect the performance of students during their studies. To reduce the emission of VOCs, products that do not emit VOCs shall be adopted as far as practical. Alternatively, products that meet the compliance thresholds established by recognized standards can be used. To demonstrate compliance with BEAM Plus, IAQ measurement namely for the pollutants CO, NO2, O3, RSP, PM10, VOCs, HCHO and Radon shall be conducted and meet the “Good” class as stipulated in the IAQ guidelines.

  • 1/F, Jockey Club Environmental Building, 77 Tat Chee Avenue, Kowloon Tong, Hong Kong.
  • +852 3994 8888

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