• The design of open office allows over 90% of workstations access to natural sunlight.

  • To ensure well-being of staff members, the noise level of the conference rooms does not exceed NC 35 with reverberation time under 0.6s.

  • Sustainable flooring materials and recycled ceiling materials are adopted in the office.

Interiors V1.0

Overall Score

Maxim’s Centre, located in the heart of Lai Chi Kok, has achieved BEAM Plus New Buildings V1.1 Final Platinum and BEAM Plus Interiors Final Silver rating. As environmental protection lies in the core value of Maxim’s Group, numerous green features have been incorporated into the design of the Maxim’s Centre to provide eco- friendly and comfortable working environment to employees.

To minimize the carbon footprint and environmental impacts, Maxim’s Centre adopts effective resources management with the use of sustainable materials and energy-saving equipment. Air quality and acoustics were also controlled and closely monitored during the interior design process.

Green Features

Site Aspects

  • Located in urban core of Kowloon with close proximity to Lai Chi Kok MTR Station.
  • Easy access to public transportation helps staff members reduce the carbon footprint of their daily commute.

Materials Aspects

  • Adoption of 100% sustainable flooring materials and 55.78% of manufacturer certified to EMS certificate.
  • Adoption of 100% recycled ceiling materials and 100% of manufacturer certified to EMS certificate.

Energy Use

  • Set up appropriate zoning and manual control for lighting system.
  • Install occupancy sensors.
  • Utilize task lighting and master switch of lighting system at main entrance.
  • Adoption of equipment with energy star labelled reduces 30% -75% energy consumption.

Water Use

  • Adoption of highly efficient water fixtures and treated seawater for flushing reduce over 68% of portable water consumption annually.
  • The quality of potable water meets the referenced drinking water quality standards at all points of use.

Indoor Environmental Quality

  • Comply with minimum Good to Excellent class under IAQ objectives with the required parameters including Total Volatile Organic Compounds(TVOC), Formaldehyde(HCHO), Carbon Monoxide (CO), Nitrogen Dioxide (NO2), Respirable Suspended Particulates (PM10) and Ozone (O3).
  • Over 90% of workstations enjoy natural lighting illuminance level of over 100 lux and view to outside.
  • To ensure well-being of staff members, the noise level of the conference rooms and office area does not exceed NC 35 and NC 40 respectively with reverberation time under 0.6s for both.

Project Details

Number of Storeys 1
Type Commercial

Project Team

Project Developer / Owner Luk Yeung Restaurant Ltd
Project Manager MMoser Associates Ltd
Architect ARK Associates Limited
M&E Engineer MMoser Associates Ltd
Main Contractor MMoser Associates Ltd
Quantity Surveyor Rider Levett Bucknall Limited
Sustainable Design Consultant MMoser Associates Ltd
Acoustic Consultant Campbell Shillinglaw Lau Limited


  • 1/F, Jockey Club Environmental Building, 77 Tat Chee Avenue, Kowloon Tong, Hong Kong.
  • +852 3994 8888
  • enquiry@hkgbc.org.hk

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