Redevelopment of Tai Lam Centre for Women

  • Main Entrance External View

  • Entrance Lobby

  • Visiting Booth

  • Skylight and Ventilated Roof of Vehicular Lodge

  • Green Roof

  • Natural Wind Shaft at Roof Top

  • Photovoltaic system, solar hot water panel system, Natural Wind Shaft and Light Pipes

  • Vertical sun shading device

  • Skylight to Visitor Entrance Lobby

  • Dormitory

New Buildings V1.1
Final Gold

Overall Score

The project major works involved demolition of existing buildings and construction of 4 new blocks, Multi-Purpose Block, Remand Block, Complex Block and Transformer Block within the institution.  The visit room, reception office, centre hospital, rehabilitative facilities, workshops, dormitories as well as Category “A” Unit were enhanced accordingly.  The project also involved in the alteration of existing retained facilities to enable the provisions of temporary decanting, reinstatement of temporary decanting and building of site access facilities. Given that the construction works were planned and carried out with strategies, the institution could still be operated with its maximum security requirement of the Correctional Services Department.

Green Features

Site Aspects

  • The massing, intensity and height profile of the development respects the natural environment and harmonizes with the surrounding sloping rural setting
  • Over 30% green coverage of site area and over 50% of roof area was provided with greenery

Materials Aspects

  • Large amount of regionally manufactured material were used for concrete structure, window, grille partitions, door, aluminium cladded sun-shading devices and other internal or external finishes
  • Avoid using Ozone depleting potential and global warming potential refrigerants and products
  • Timber used in the project were from sustainable source of well-managed forests

Energy Use

  • Energy efficient and energy reduction system were applied such as Photovoltaic system, solar hot water panel system, Natural Wind Shaft and Light Pipes

Water Use

  • Water saving device such as sensor, dual-flush toilet, low flow trap and shower for bathing were used to achieve 30% annual saving
  • Achieved 20% reduction of sewage volumes

Indoor Environmental Quality

  • Natural ventilation was adopted in a number of common areas
  • Barrier free access provision for the whole development

Innovations and Additions

  • An innovative natural wind shaft with 8 sets of operable louvre which are individually controlled by automatic programme was designed and installed to utilize natural ventilation in a site specific approach.


In light of the ever growing demand for female correctional institutions, the Tai Lam Centre for Women establishes a new benchmark for modern correctional facilities with un-paralleled quality. The design concept of the overall complex wishes to celebrate and symbolize the humane component of modern correctional facilities. Our proposal establishes the symbol of acceptance from the society under the modern penal system in Tai Lam Centre for Women by inserting a metaphorical “Green Ribbon” into the compound which acts as the stem of a plant for flowers and leaves to grow, and physically links up various activities and facilities. The Tai Lam Centre for Women is the physical embodiment of the slogan of Correctional Services Department, “Support offender rehabilitation for a safer and more inclusive society.”

All the dormitories, cells and workshops are naturally ventilated. A majestic environmental feature of wind shaft was introduced to induce cross ventilation through the windows or the device at the roof to multiple floors of the building. The innovative device at roof top consists of 8 sets of operable louvre which are individually controlled by automatic programme to capture seasonal change of wind direction in micro-climate. It sets up necessary pressure difference between indoor and outdoor as to generate air flow throughout the building.

Sustainability design features such as Photovoltaic system, solar hot water panel system and natural light pipe are provided to utilize our natural resources to reduce energy consumption.

In addition, landscape green roofs on the blocks do not only form a continuous green cover merging seamlessly into its natural backdrop, but also helps to reduce heat gain of the buildings and burden of mechanical ventilation system.

Project Details

Completion Year 2016
Number of Blocks 3
Number of Floors Complex Block: 6 Remand Block: 6 Multi-Purpose Block: 3
Type Government, Institutional and Community

Project Team


  • 1/F, Jockey Club Environmental Building, 77 Tat Chee Avenue, Kowloon Tong, Hong Kong.
  • +852 3994 8888

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