• 又一城

  • High Efficiency Water-cooled Chiller

  • Fresh Water Cooling Tower

  • Automatic Sun-shaded Shelter

  • Electric Vehicle Charger




又一城由著名建築師事務所Arquitectonica設計,寬敞的商場公共空間和自然採光的玻璃天幕為顧客提供了舒適的購物環境,是別具一格的生態環保建築。自1998年落成以來,又一城在可持續發展的實踐中不斷創新,在環保領域的成績廣受認可。2017年,又一城獲得香港綠建環評既有建築BEAM Plus EB最終鉑金級認證。



Energy Use

  • High efficiency water-cooled chillers
  • Fresh water cooling towers
  • Optimization of chiller plant control by innovative chiller-pump control logic
  • Optimization of chilled water distribution by modulating valves installation
  • Variable Speed Drive for Air Handling Units and ventilation fans
  • Automatic sun-shaded shelter
  • Photo & motion sensor for lighting control
  • Water heat pumps
  • Energy efficient LED lighting

Site Aspects

  • Green roof
  • Reflective glass curtain wall

Water Use

  • Water saving sanitary fitments

Innovations and Additions

  • Recycling of icy energy
  • Recycling of food waste & cooking oil
  • Electric vehicle chargers


Festival Walk is a mixed-use commercial building spanning a total gross floor area of over 137,353m2 of office and retail space. Since its opening in 1998, Festival Walk has received numerous environmental awards, and is the first existing mixed-use mall and office complex who achieved the Final Platinum rating under BEAM Plus Existing Building V1.2 certification in April 2017.

Our Commitment

At Festival Walk, we are committed to acting responsibly towards our environment, our people and the communities in which we operate. In addition to providing a healthy and safe environment for our shoppers and tenants, we also endeavor to reduce our environmental impact by integrating eco-efficient initiatives into our daily operations and processes. As proper waste management is crucial especially in Hong Kong due to rapidly filling landfill areas, we also recognise the importance of reducing, recycling and properly managing waste by putting in place a comprehensive waste management programme.

Unique Energy-saving Initiatives

  • First mall to install a variable-air-volume air-conditioning system using cascade control logic in 2011, whilst maintaining stable and automatic temperature control
  • Reduction in operating hours of electric heaters within air conditioning units at ‘Glacier’ ice skating rink
  • A pioneer to use water heat pumps for dish washing machines serving the FoodFest food court
  • Recommendation of optimum lighting levels for tenants
  • Developed an energy management plan to establish a process of continuous improvements towards greater energy efficiency

First-of-its-kind Thermal Energy Recycling System

  • 1st mall to direct thermal energy from the melting of ice from Festival Walk’s Glacier ice skating rink for air conditioning purposes of its office units, saving an estimated 43,827kWh of energy every year

Support for Local Government Initiatives

  • Participation in the Energy Saving Charter
    • Commitment to maintaining an average indoor temperature between 24 – 26 °C during the months of June to September
  • Support for the Charter on External Lighting
    • Switching off facade and external lighting during extended hours of 11 p.m. – 7 a.m. since 1 April 2016
  • Support for the Food Waste Recycling Partnership Scheme
    • Transporting food waste to government’s organic waste treatment facilities
    • Encouraging tenants from food and beverage sector to support HKEPD’s efforts to reduce food waste

Water Conservation Initiatives

  • Reclamation of water from sprinkler system back to sprinkler water tank
  • Reclamation of bleed-off water from cooling towers for flushing
  • Installation of water efficient taps that have been certified under the Hong Kong Government’s Voluntary Water Efficiency Labelling Scheme (“WELS”)

Ensuring Indoor Environmental Quality

  • Monitoring indoor air quality (“IAQ”) by conducting bi-weekly measurements of temperature and carbon dioxide levels in various locations within the building
  • Employing an indoor air quality (“IAQ”) assessor to conduct annual certification assessments
  • The air-conditioning equipment is maintained regularly, while the air filters are replaced or cleaned at regular intervals/based on pre-set parameters
  • In recognition of its ongoing efforts to maintain clean air, Festival Walk achieved ‘Excellent Class’ for its office common area for the ninth consecutive year while the mall’s common areas were certified ‘Good Class’ for the sixth consecutive year under the Hong Kong Government’s IAQ Certification Scheme

Waste Management

  • An award-winning comprehensive waste management program
  • First mall in Hong Kong to use Gomixer machine to manage food waste from FoodFest food court to effectively reduce landfill waste by 95%
  • Waste from office and retail tenants are collected at the building’s refuse storage chamber and the loading bay, where recyclable materials such as paper, aluminium cans, glass bottles, used cooking oil and food waste are segregated for further processing


竣工年份 1998
樓宇數目 1
樓層數目 16
類別 商業



  • 香港九龍塘達之路77號賽馬會環保樓1樓
  • +852 3994 8888
  • enquiry@hkgbc.org.hk

  • © 2024 香港綠色建築議會有限公司版權所有
  • 免責聲明


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