The Hari Hong Kong

新建建築 1.2版


The Hari Hong Kong毗鄰香港會議展覽中心,位置優越,恰如這一區的起居室。您會感受到銅鑼灣這個潮流集中地的繁榮興旺,亦可體驗到灣仔的創意活力地方色彩,想深度探索這座城市未知的一切,就從The Hari 開始。酒店提供210 間客房與3 間特色套房,由知名室內設計品牌Tara Bernerd & Partners 創辦人Tara Bernerd 精心設計。
The Hari Hong Kong 致力於在酒店內實現環境和社會的可持續發展,並積極為客人提供節能環保的住宿體驗。



  • 至少50% 的天臺面積採用太陽反射指數達到78或以上的材料或綠化屋頂


  • 至少20%的建築材料於本地生產,以減輕運輸期間產生的環境影響
  • 採用具低臭氧消耗潛勢的空調設備及保溫物料


  • 安裝高效能的樓宇設備,使整個項目的用電量低於機電工程署的屋宇裝備裝置能源效益實務守則的基線標準至少26%


  • 安裝節水的裝置,以達至比綠建環評的基線標準少30%的食水用量及20%的廢水排放


  • 室內空氣質素更達到香港室內空氣質素檢定計劃的“良好”等級
  • 鮮風量比美國冷凍空調學會標準62.1-2007的要求至少提高30%以上
  • 所有空間的照明質量及聲學性能均達到國際公認的標準,以確保視覺及聽覺舒適


  • 飲用水與沖洗水系統採用雙容水箱設計


The Hari Hong Kong is committed to sustainability to advance the wellbeing of people and planet,
and take responsibility for their total impacts on communities and the environment. As such we have partnered with “It Must Be Now” to assist us in providing rigorous sustainability solutions with accountability and transparency. These include: A rigorous Sustainability Programme with Certification for credible reporting, analysis, planning and governance to manage risks and measure carbon emissions

The Hari HK is using high efficiency chillers together with Heat Pump units with BMS system to create comfortable in-house temperature and hot water pre-heating. All decorative lights are using LED bulbs with dimming system to create comfortable environment. We have over 200 sq.m area of façade vertical green wall to uplift the greenery and well-being to our guest. For daily services, we are using Nordaq water system with re-usable glass bottle for every in-house guest in order to reduce use of plastic bottle (approximate saving 12,400 bottles per month). Additional single use plastic is avoided with the hotel scented wet amenities which are dispensed via pump action dispensers in all guests rooms. Natural materials are used throughout the hotel to create great textures on all touch points. Flow restricted shower heads and multi-flushing toilet system both significantly reduce water wastage. Food & Beverage uses an ORCA food waste system to digest organic waste from solid to liquid which is then discharged safely through our sewage pipe.


樓宇數目 1
樓層數目 31
類別 酒店


項目發展商/持有人 Origin One Limited
項目經理 Faithful + Gould
建築師 ATKINS China (HK) Limited
機電工程師 科進香港有限公司
土木及結構工程師 科進香港有限公司
外牆顧問 Inhabit Group
工料測量師 Arcadis
可持續設計顧問 科進香港有限公司
聲學顧問 金寶聲學環保顧問有限公司

  • 香港九龍塘達之路77號賽馬會環保樓1樓
  • +852 3994 8888

  • © 2024 香港綠色建築議會有限公司版權所有
  • 免責聲明


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