香港高等教育科技學院 (柴灣校園)

  • 80%以上的空間的都使用了日光

  • 綠化覆蓋面積佔場地面積的30%以上

  • 校園內的顯示屏系統播放校園的環境表現。

  • 採用具有FSC證書的木製品

  • 室內照明的光度和質量都能滿足要求

  • 採用雨水回收系統,用於灌溉上

  • 59.5%的硬景觀區域使用透水材料

  • 採用高性能冷水機組

  • 通過引入22種植物物種,大大提高了該地點的生態價值和生物多樣性

  • 遮陽裝置設在在塔樓上

新建建築 1.2版

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Site Aspects

  • 通過保留現有景觀,提高植被的總體健康,提高生態價值,改善了後期開發的生態價值。另外,綠化覆蓋面積佔場地面積的30%以上。
  • 選擇了高比例的本地物種,並選擇了不同種類的植物來增加生物多樣性。

Materials Aspects

  • 項目團隊使用區域建築材料(原材料和製造商應距離項目現場800公里內)。
  • 木質產品的使用來自管理良好,可持續和經過認證的木材,例如:森林管理委員會(FSC)。
  • 回收建築垃圾百分比超過30%

Energy Use

  • 在這個項目中,節能設計一直被認為是可行的。建築物中的二氧化碳或千瓦時將減少27.1%
  • 建築物採用高效空調系統和照明。

Water Use

  • 採用高效低流量裝置,以節省至少30%的基線飲用水。
  • 採用雨水回收系統,用於灌溉上。

Indoor Environmental Quality

  • 採用低VOC油漆和塗料。
  • 在正常佔用空間中,至少80%的建築面積使用自然光。
  • 滿足室內聲學要求,營造安靜的環境。

Innovations and Additions

  • 香港高等教育科技學院(柴灣校園)建成綠色校園試點,在校園的顯示屏中播放校園的環保表現。


Motivations to go “green”

  • To promote green campus in Hong Kong
  • To make a sustainable campus

The project enhances health and well-being of building users

  • In order to ensure the quality of potable water, the contractors shall clean and flush the plumbing system before occupancy in order the water quality could be maintained at WSD quality.
  • Necessary measures for improving the indoor environment has been specified e.g. cleaning and housekeeping, apply low emitting paints and coatings, allow adequate time to ventilate or supply fans to flush out indoor area.
  • Although the development is accessible to the public upon completion, a well-established security system is provided to engender the feeling of wellbeing amongst building users.
  • The RSMRC is an enclosed area and equipped with self-closing door to contain refuse and contaminants in a restricted area and do not leak outside the chamber. The RSMRC is mechanically ventilated with 15 ACH. The ventilation system shall be an individual system to dilute and remove the concentrated contaminants.
  • All air-conditioned areas are considered with the design temperature ranges with ± 1 °C. It can be achieved through equipment selection and setting. Thus, 100%of air-conditioned areas shall comply with the design criteria.

Smart elements in the project

  • The campus adopts a smart facade design which addresses natural ventilation, daylight and noise control objectives for the enhance users’ learning environment. Daylight and views are maximized by the full width ribbon windows. Light shelves block strong light and solar heat and reflect light to the interior.  High performance acoustic wall panels and baffles offer noise control without concealing the thermal mass of the building fabric.  Traffic noise is screened off by acoustic fins of the permeable facade while natural ventilation is allowed for the perimeter zones as needed.
  • The campus broadcasts the environmental performance of the campus by the building dashboard system in Institute. This dashboard monitors and displays real-time environmental performance data collected by the Building Management System through a graphical user interface. This optimizes and reduces resource consumption, disseminate resource saving tips and collect users’ feedback. The dashboard is broadcasted through the school’s intranet and a physical display station proposed for the community plaza. The pilot stage focus on energy aspects only.
  • To allow flexibility for change and future expansion: Ease of future expansion for more accommodations considered both in terms of site master planning and building design (structural & architectural) to optimize feasibility for additions and alterations. Structural grid, foundation loadings and architectural layout shall be flexible to cater for alterations and expansion to meet future changes in curriculum.


竣工年份 2016
樓宇數目 2
樓層數目 14
類別 政府,機構和社區



  • 香港九龍塘達之路77號賽馬會環保樓1樓
  • +852 3994 8888

  • © 2024 香港綠色建築議會有限公司版權所有
  • 免責聲明


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