• 綠色管理及環境和能源認證包括ISO 14001, ISO 50001 , OHSAS 18001及廢物管理

  • 改善垃圾房設備及加裝通風系統

  • 公衆照明系統使用節能電子鎮流器

  • 公衆及屋邨辦事處洗手間裝設節約用水設備

  • 升降機加建工程以優化無障礙設施

  • 「全方位維修計劃」為屋邨單位提供全面檢查和維修

  • 「日常家居維修服務」妥善迅速地維修單位內的設施

  • 商場天台綠化

  • 提供資訊平台展示屋邨的耗能資訊

  • 緊密聯繫居民及持分者,提升環保意識


分    創新




  • 制訂綠色管理措施及營運指引並嚴格遵照環境及能源管理標準,包括ISO 14001, ISO 50001 , OHSAS 18001及廢物管理
  • 優化屋邨設施,包括裝設節約用水設備,於公衆照明系統使用節能電子鎮流器
  • 改善屋邨設施,包括垃圾房設計及通風系統,改善邨內無障礙設施及加建升降機計劃
  • 持續檢視屋邨的耗能量及環境質素,包括能源及碳排放審計
  • 推行適時的保養維修計劃,妥善和迅速地維修屋邨及單位的設施,包括「全方位維修計劃」及「日常家居維修服務」
  • 綠化天台及於低層建築物加設垂直綠化項目
  • 與居民及持分者緊密聯繫,提升大衆對環保的意識


Overcoming Existing Challenges

Before After

It is important to identify existing constraints and challenges before embarking on the BEAM Plus pilot project.  Kwai Shing West Estate was built in 1975 and some building design could not fulfill the current BEAM Plus requirements. For example, the open refuse areas do not comply with the prerequisite requirements under ‘Material Aspects’ category.  Upgrading works and addition of independent mechanical air filtration system had been carried out and under the existing estate situation, modification works had been carefully planned to mitigate disturbance to tenants and at the same time ensure uninterrupted building services operations.

Managing Green Initiatives

The Hong Kong Housing Authority makes ‘green living’ an underlying theme of all the estate management work.  Moving forward in this direction, we have obtained international certifications in ISO 14001 Environmental Management System, ISO 50001 Energy Management System and OHSAS 18001Occupational Health and Safety Management System, as well as waste management system.  Implementation of these green initiatives includes management practices and operational guidelines for routine cleansing, security, waste management, energy monitoring as well as planned maintenance and improvement works.

Creating Innovations 

Timely maintenance and proper improvement works not only ensure a safe and pleasant living environment for the residents, but also sustain the lifespan and economic value of the existing housing estates.  ‘Total Maintenance Scheme’ provides comprehensive maintenance services for inspection and repair of tenant flats.  In ‘Responsive In-flat Maintenance Services’, frontline staff register maintenance requests directly from tenants and set repair process in motion quickly.  Through these programmes, we are able to constantly upgrade the estate facilities to meet residents' needs.

Engaging the Community


Public housing estates function as complete communities and effective channels of communication with stakeholders become important to promote community spirit, grasp sense of belonging, and achieve common community goals.  Striving for enhancement in environmental performance of Kwai Shing West Estate, we display the consumption of electricity, gas and water use at domestic blocks to arouse tenants’ environmental awareness.  We have also been closely involved in organizing and promoting public engagement to strengthen and enhance our communication channels and services.



竣工年份 2016
樓宇數目 10
樓層數目 7 - 25
類別 住宅


項目持有人/發展商 香港房屋委員會
項目經理 香港房屋委員會
建築師 香港房屋委員會
機電工程師 香港房屋委員會
土木及結構工程師 香港房屋委員會
承建商 新合成建築工程有限公司
可持續設計顧問 商界環保協會
設施管理經理 香港房屋委員會

  • 香港九龍塘達之路77號賽馬會環保樓1樓
  • +852 3994 8888
  • enquiry@hkgbc.org.hk

  • © 2024 香港綠色建築議會有限公司版權所有
  • 免責聲明


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