啟德發展計劃-啟德明渠重建及改善工程 (一號及二號淤泥清理站 )

  • 淤泥清理站一號外貌

  • 淤泥清理站一號面向啟德河下游

  • 淤泥清理站一號面向啟德河上游

  • 淤泥清理站二號外貌

  • 淤泥清理站二號面向啟德河上游

  • 在淤泥清理站一號的外牆安裝循環再造的木材複合板

  • 淤泥清理站一號的太陽能及風力發電的街道照明系統

  • 淤泥清理站二號內的除臭系統

  • 可重複使用的金屬圍板

  • 在淤泥清理站二號天台上的太陽能板

新建建築 1.2版

啟德明渠一直是九龍東部的主要排水渠道之一,土木工程拓展署﹝土拓署﹞在2013年開展了「啟德發展計劃 – 啟德明渠重建及改善工程」項目,藉以提升明渠的防洪標準達到二百年一遇的水平,並活化啟德明渠成為一個具吸引力的城中綠化河道﹝又名為啟德河﹞,為社區提供可作休閒和公眾活動的空間。淤泥清理站一及二號是維持啟德河排洪能力的重要設施,工程人員利用這個設施來定期清理積聚於排水道及箱形暗渠的淤泥,土拓署積極於設計中加入可持續性和綠化元素,令此設施成為對環境友善又具可持續性發展的建築物。


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  • 使用了斜面綠化屋頂,淤泥清理站一號使用了循環再造木板而淤泥清理站二號則以花崗石磚作為建築物表面裝飾
  • 達到超過55%的綠化面積
  • 於施工時,實行有效的環境管理方案


  • 由符合可持續管理的森林採購木材模板
  • 以耐用和循環再用的金屬建造工地圍板
  • 於施工時,實行有效的廢物管理方案以確保適當處理建築廢料和提高回收率
  • 於冷氣設備使用符合環境標準的冷凍劑R410A


  • 在淤泥清理站一號使用了太陽能發電的街燈及風力發電機,而淤泥清理站二號的屋頂就安裝了太陽能板
  • 使用節能的T5光管及LED燈照明
  • 節省超過20%的全年用電量


  • 使用低流量食水龍頭及低水量沖廁廁所
  • 在淤泥清理站一號使用水量控制器
  • 每年用水量可節省30%


  • 地面排水管加裝U型隔器以減低異味
  • 使用已加裝除臭系統的抽氣扇


  • 提供超過50%的綠化面積
  • 在淤泥清理站二號有超過7%的電力使用量由太陽能板產生


Having served as a main drainage channel in Kowloon East for years, Kai Tak Nullah is being transformed into a green urban river corridor, namely Kai Tak River. Besides improving the water quality of the nullah, Kai Tak River has been reconstructed to incorporate riverside with higher ecological and aesthetic values, while the drainage capacity is upgraded in the meantime. The reconstruction and improvement works taken forward by the CEDD also include construction of two enclosed desilting compounds.

Desilting Compound Nos. 1 and 2 (DC 1 and DC 2) are provided for the purpose of removal of sediments accumulated along the river channel and box culverts. They are designed as fully enclosed buildings to minimize any environmental and visual impact to the surroundings. In addition, the streamline outlook design, coupled with extensive greenery coverage of over 55% and other environmentally friendly and sustainable features, constitutes the buildings to be structures of value more than their desilting function.

The design team strove to enhance the visual quality and aesthetics of both DC 1 and DC 2 with an aim to creating an impressive building structural form.   Bearing this objective in mind, both DC 1 and DC 2 are designed to be low-rise premises featuring a modern and streamline design that creates a harmony with surroundings.  Sloping green roofs are proposed for both DC 1 and DC 2 with a pleasant outlook, minimize the massiveness of the structure and camouflage the building with the greenery.  Recycled wood composite panels are adopted at DC 1 to allow the building to naturally blend in with the trees and planters on site to improve the streetscape quality.  Façade with granite tile pattern at DC 2 helps to strengthen the experience of public realm.

Careful material selection has direct implications on the use of natural resources and environmental consequences.  For example, timber formworks from sustainably managed timberland are used to help conserve virgin forests.  Durable and reusable metal hoarding system is used for temporary works to reduce construction wastes. Waste management plan was adopted to ensure proper disposal of construction waste and improve the recycling rate. Hardscape is paved with pervious washed gravel  allowing infiltration of rainwater into the ground and hence reducing heat island effect.  Environmentally friendly refrigerant R410A is employed for the air conditioning units instead of ozone depleting agent.

Renewable energy is adopted to maximise the use of green energy.  For example, lamp poles equipped with photovoltaic (PV) panel and wind turbine are used at DC1 whereas PV panels are installed on the roof of DC 2.  For indoor lighting of both DC, energy saving T5 fluorescent tubes and LED are adopted to reduce the electricity consumption.  With the adoption of the above energy saving measures, a reduction of over 20% of annual electricity consumption is achieved for each of the DC 1 and DC 2.  Split type air-conditioners are properly installed to ensure the system reaches optimum performance and avoid electricity wastage.


竣工年份 2018
樓宇數目 單棟建築
樓層數目 單層建築
類別 政府,機構和社區



  • 香港九龍塘達之路77號賽馬會環保樓1樓
  • +852 3994 8888
  • enquiry@hkgbc.org.hk

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