
  • 小欖油站是蜆殼首個設有行人專用路的油站,路面以循環再造磚塊鋪設。

  • 蜆殼小欖油站的GO WELL環保牆不單可綠化環境,更有助減碳。

  • 小欖油站特設自助水機,方便自攜水樽或水杯的市民使用。



Shell Siu Lam Station was opened in February 2018, introducing innovative elements from the start. The design of the station building adopted integrative energy management system such as motion-activated air conditioning and electricity consumption monitoring systems. In construction of the station, more than 60% of the building materials contain recycled contents, and more than 50% of the furniture were reused.

To make the environment greener and help reducing carbon emission, Shell also made the ground-breaking move to install a 12-square-metre green wall. Amongst other green building attributes, Siu Lam station is equipped with recycling bins, a collection box for rechargeable batteries and a self-serve water machine to encourage the use of reusable bottles and cups.


Materials Aspects

  • More than 60% of building material contains recycled content
  • More than 50% of the furniture such as sofa, desks, lockers, etc. are reused
  • More than 30% of construction being recycled

Energy Use

  • Adopting integrative energy management system such as motion-activated air conditioning and electricity consumption monitoring systems
  • Adopting high efficiency air-conditioning units and LED lighting

Water Use

  • A self-served water machine is set up to encourage the public to bring their own bottles
  • Adopting water efficient faucet and more than 78% annual potable water saving has been achieved

Indoor Environmental Quality

  • Light quality including uniformity, glare index and colour rendering are complied with CIBSE requirements
  • Noise isolation and reverberation time meeting the BEAM Plus requirement by careful selection of materials


  • Provide sufficient facilities for Corporate Social Responsibility


As an alignment to the Group’s commitment to help build a sustainable energy future, the Shell Group announced its ambition to halve the net carbon footprint of its energy projects by 2050. Shell is dedicated to setting the benchmark for sustainable, socially responsible operations. Our Siu Lam station was purposefully designed to showcase Shell’s determination to develop with innovation and care for the surrounding community and environment. With this new BEAM Plus Gold rating in hand, we will continue to place strong efforts on being a pioneer in promoting and practicing sustainable development.

  • 香港九龍塘達之路77號賽馬會環保樓1樓
  • +852 3994 8888
  • enquiry@hkgbc.org.hk

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