新建建築 1.2版


「We Go Mall」坐落馬鞍山核心地段,配以匠心獨運的玻璃幕牆型格設計,成為馬鞍山的新地標。「We Go Mall」樓高6層(包括一層地庫停車場),建築面積超過16萬平方呎,四周住宅林立,加上鄰近港鐵馬鞍山線鐵路站,配以區內外的小巴及巴士網絡,交通四通八達,地理位置優越,為區內以至沙田及西貢區的居民提供一個集合食.玩.買的聚腳點,各種生活配套一應俱全。


Site Aspects

  • Public transport, basic services and recreational facilities are within 500m walking distance of the site
  • At least 5 different basic services are located within the Site and are made available for public use
  • Use of high emissivity materials on roof to reduce heat island effect
  • Carrying out environmental management during construction to minimise noise, air and water pollution

Materials Aspects

  • Meets the requirements in timber use in temporary works, use of non-CFC based refrigerants
  • Implementation of construction waste management system and provision of waste recycling facilities
  • Use of regionally manufactured materials, materials avoiding the use of ozone depleting materials

Energy Use

  • Compliance with minimum energy performance, reduction in the annual energy consumption and reduction in maximum electricity demand
  • Reduction in electricity consumption for ventilation and lighting system in car park
  • Independent commissioning authority was engaged during the testing and commissioning process to ensure the design intent and environmental performance are achieved
  • Provisions for energy management, including testing and commissioning, operation and maintenance as well as metering and monitoring

Water Use

  • Water efficient devices have been adopted
  • 70.99% of annual water saving
  • 46.45% reduction in effluent discharge volumes

Indoor Environmental Quality

  • Adequate security provision
  • Hygienic plumbing and drainage system, assessed biological contamination, hygienic waste disposal facilities
  • Implementing a Construction IAQ Management Plan, compliance with appropriate criteria for outdoor and indoor air quality, adequate localised ventilation, adequate interior lighting
  • Enhanced access for persons with disability and amenity features for users

Innovations and Additions

  • Use of twin tanks for both potable and flushing water supply systems
  • BEAM Professional project team member


We Go MALL, is designed with energy-conserving technologies and to promote low-carbon lifestyles, exhibiting our commitment to cultivating a better environment for our valued consumers and the community.

For lighting system, LED lighting has been adopted with the reduction in the lighting power density. The achievement has not only improved the environmental value of guests’ experience in the mall, but also brought a significant reduction in operating and maintenance costs.

For air-conditioning system, special shifting arrangements have been designed for the chillers. Only the lowest capacity chiller is switched on for the first and last few operating hours of the mall in a day, instead of utilising the full power of all chillers installed. The temperature and ventilation settings are actively monitored, which allow for efficient energy consumption and an optimal physical comfort at the same time.

Several facilities have been installed to provide great convenience to our guests and customers living in a green and environmentally considerate life. In particular, our car park is equipped with electric vehicle chargers for both specific and general models of electric vehicles. Free-of-charge bicycle parking spaces are also provided. Guests can line up their bicycles in the yard outside the mall before enjoying their time in the mall.


樓宇數目 1
樓層數目 6
類別 商業


項目持有人/發展商 顯澤投資有限公司
項目經理 百利保發展顧問有限公司
建築師 百利保發展顧問有限公司
園境設計師 地利環境顧問有限公司
機電工程師 邁進機電工程顧問有限公司
土木及結構工程師 邵賢偉建築工程師有限公司
外牆顧問 Alpha Consulting Limited
承建商 實力工程有限公司
工料測量師 務騰(香港)有限公司

  • 香港九龍塘達之路77號賽馬會環保樓1樓
  • +852 3994 8888
  • enquiry@hkgbc.org.hk

  • © 2024 香港綠色建築議會有限公司版權所有
  • 免責聲明


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