• 住宅區全貎

  • 中央藝術庭園

  • 會所室內泳池

  • 大宅區

  • 住宅主入口

  • 住客會所入口大廳

  • 會所桌球室

新建建築 1.2版


The proposed development is located at Chi Shin Street, Tseung Kwan O. The site and its surrounding is zoned as Residential Group (A) under the Approved Tseung Kwan O Outline Zoning Plan S/TKO/20. The primarily intention of this zoning is high residential development. Hence, this development fits into the intention of this zoning.

Within this zone, the project team plans for a development that comprises of five numbers of 2-storey house, two numbers of 21-storey residential tower, two numbers of 9-storey residential tower, one 2-storey commercial podium, one 3-storey club house and 1-storey basement carpark with Loading/Unloading bays. There are 804 residential units in the development. Various measures are proposed to mitigate environmental impacts to achieve a comfortable environment.


Site Aspects

  • 提供城市設計指引內的子項目達九成以上
  • 裝設中空玻璃及隔音屏以減低噪音對住客之影響
  • 提供可觀性的防光污染外牆設計,以減低對鄰近住客之影響

Materials Aspects

  • 超過七成之木材來自可持續發展的供應
  • 採用不含氟氯烴之制冷劑及建築材料

Energy Use

  • 採用高效能之空調機及升降機系統
  • 選用具有一級或二級能源效益標籤的家電
  • 於設計前已聘請獨立委托機構,以確保項目設計能達到卓越的環保概念

Water Use

  • 採用高效節約用水潔具及家電設備
  • 每年用水量減低30%
  • 每年污水排放量減少50%

Indoor Environmental Quality

  • 會所之室內空氣質素達「良好級」
  • 設有吊船系統作維修之用
  • 水泵房採用浮動樓板以減輕水泵運作時所產生的震動之影響

Innovations and Additions

  • 於水缸清洗期間,天台水缸可持續使用,為住戶減少缺水之不便及影響

  • 香港九龍塘達之路77號賽馬會環保樓1樓
  • +852 3994 8888
  • enquiry@hkgbc.org.hk

  • © 2024 香港綠色建築議會有限公司版權所有
  • 免責聲明


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