
  • 從林蔭大道看的兆龍樓正立面

  • 位於正門入口新建造的無障礙斜坡

  • 兆龍樓西南面外觀

  • 新建造的室內電梯

  • 一般辦公室空間





Green Building Attributes

  • No carpark provision within the project site;
  • At least 10 basic services within 500m walking distance;
  • No light pollutant impact from exterior lighting; and
  • Provision of at least two Corporate Social Responsibility (CSR) Facilities.


  • Safety management plan has been developed and implemented during the project construction;
  • Construction noise mitigation measures together with the noise control plan has been carried out. No written compliant has been received during construction period;
  • Green cleaning policy with cleaning procedure and training has been carried out;
  • The CSR facilities – baby care room has been provided for CUHK staff;
  • The building user guide is provided to the user and regular updates of the guide is maintained;and
  • Applicable occupational health and safety measures has been provided.

Materials Aspects

  • Adoption of non-CFC refrigerants and insulation materials;
  • Provision of storage facilities for collection of recyclables;
  • More than 50% interior components were reused;
  • More than 70% of existing furniture were reused;
  • More than 50% of modular design elements and easily disassembled elements were achieved;
  • Adoption of environmentally manufactured flooring materials and walls;
  • Obviation of material and transportation, through design, such that no new construction of ceiling materials was installed.

Energy Use

  • Annual AC energy reduction based on the energy saving strategy including high efficient fan, split type unit and PAUs, high performance building envelope design, etc., which obtain over 20% saving as compared to the baseline model;
  • Provision of Energy star rated equipment.

Water Use

  • Fresh water sampling test has been conducted and the results of the 7 requested parameters fulfil the BEAM Plus requirement;
  • Adoption of water efficient devices to reduce the water flow rate to achieve 66.6% fresh water reduction; and
  • Provision of dual flush water closet and sensor type urinal in the host building.

Indoor Environmental Quality

  • Achievement of IAQ Excellent Class.


竣工年份 2018
層樓 4
室內樓面面積 (IFA) (平方米) 853.2
類別 辦公室


項目經理 香港中文大學 校園發展處
建築師 MDFA建築師事務所
室內設計師 MDFA建築師事務所
機電工程師 遠東顧問工程有限公司
土木及結構工程師 黃錦球工程顧問有限公司
承建商 PacificPlan Interiors Ltd.
工料測量師 貝鐳華顧問有限公司
物業管理經理 香港中文大學物業管理處
綠建環評顧問 商界環保協會

  • 香港九龍塘達之路77號賽馬會環保樓1樓
  • +852 3994 8888

  • © 2024 香港綠色建築議會有限公司版權所有
  • 免責聲明


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