
新建建築 1.1版


The West Kowloon Law Courts Building is a new law courts complex in Sham Shui Po, Hong Kong. It is situated at the junction of Tung Chau Street and Tonkin Street West, beside the elevated West Kowloon Corridor. It accommodates 32 courtrooms, including 16 for the West Kowloon Magistrates’ Courts and 12 for the Small Claims Tribunal.  In addition, it also includes the supporting facilities of various government departments, including Correctional Services Department and Hong Kong Police Force.


Site Aspects

  • Providing adequate water spraying on roads and vehicle washing facilities
  • Providing noise barrier for piling works
  • Providing wastewater treatment plant to reduce water pollution during construction
  • Providing acoustic treatment for major noise sources such as generators and chiller plants
  • Providing vegetation roof covering 53.4% of the total roof area

Materials Aspects

  • Using FSC and PEFC certified timber for temporary works during construction
  • Using no chlorofluorocarbon (CFC)-based refrigerants in HVAC&R systems
  • Providing waste recycling bins for collection and segregation of recyclables including paper, plastic and aluminium can, and designated area for collecting cardboard and glass bottles

Energy Use

Adopting the followings as major energy saving measures:

  • High performance building envelope
  • High efficient A/C equipment
  • Demand control ventilation in carpark and office
  • Energy efficient lighting system
  • Use of natural lighting with daylight sensors
  • Air economizers
  • Providing 164 Mono-crystalline PV panels, 16 thin-film panels and 8 BIPV panels for renewable energy
  • Using energy appliances having Grade 1 EMSD energy label, registration record of EMSD voluntary energy efficiency labelling scheme or energy star label
  • Adopting Central Control and Monitoring System (CCMS) for system control and Building Energy Management System (BEMS) for energy monitoring

Water Use

  • Installing water-efficient lavatory faucets and shower heads to achieve annual water saving of 40.5%
  • Adopting drip type irrigation system and rainwater harvesting system to reduce water consumption for irrigation
  • Installing urinals and water closets with efficient flush flow rate to achieve 39.5% of reduction in sewage volume

Indoor Environmental Quality

  • Installing mechanical exhaust systems with carbon filter in refuse storage and material recovery chambers
  • Undertaking flush-out of normally occupied spaces prior to occupancy and replacement of all filters (new MERV 13 filters) prior to occupancy
  • Carrying out IAQ test to demonstrating compliance with “Excellent” criteria for CO, NO2 O3 and VOCs
  • Providing increased outdoor ventilation exceeding ASHRAE requirements by at least 30%
  • Providing daylight sensors and occupancy sensors for automatic lighting control system

Innovations and Additions

  • Installing light pipe to utilize natural daylight to the Library so that less artificial light is required in daytime, and hence the energy consumption can be reduced


竣工年份 2016
樓宇數目 兩座
樓層數目 A座 - 14層;
B座 - 13層
類別 政府,機構和社區


項目持有人/發展商 香港特別行政區政府
項目經理 建築署
建築師 王歐陽(香港)有限公司
園境設計師 吳振麒園境規劃事務所有限公司
機電工程師 澧信工程顧問有限公司
土木及結構工程師 奧雅納工程顧問香港有限公司
外牆顧問 奧雅納工程顧問香港有限公司
承建商 瑞安建業有限公司
工料測量師 利比有限公司
可持續設計顧問 奧雅納工程顧問香港有限公司
環保顧問 奧雅納工程顧問香港有限公司
聲學顧問 奧雅納工程顧問香港有限公司

  • 香港九龍塘達之路77號賽馬會環保樓1樓
  • +852 3994 8888
  • enquiry@hkgbc.org.hk

  • © 2024 香港綠色建築議會有限公司版權所有
  • 免責聲明


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