
  • 煥然壹居鳥瞰圖

  • 各住宅單位設有對流窗

  • 遙望三幢住宅建築及商業建築

  • 兒童遊戲室

  • 天台會所採用自然通風設計

  • 通風廊設計

  • 地下大堂設有對流窗及舒適座椅

  • 生活休息室

  • 天台設有有蓋的步行徑、戶外健身設施、燒烤設施及休憩空間

新建建築 1.1版

分    創新





  • 整個項目都以南北向為主
  • 單位客廳及升降機大堂提供自然通風
  • 綠化面積佔整個地盤逾 30% 面積
  • 項目所用的木材超過 50% 來自可再生或循環再用木材
  • 項目超過 20% 的建築物料生產自800公里內之工場
  • 升降機採用能量再生系統
  • 提供電能車充電裝置
  • 超過80% 電器擁有一級或二級能源標籤
  • 採用雨水及廢水循環系統
  • 採用省水裝置,每年可省水超過 30%
  • 每年排污減少超過 20%
  • 採用低反射雙層玻璃
  • 採用低VOC建築物料
  • 方便傷殘人仕進出的設計


Kai Tak Development on 3 Muk Chui Street is the URA's first ever self-developed housing estate with focuses on building community, sustainability, modest and practical design.  It comprises three 23-storey residential towers, an elderly friendly low-rise residential block, and a retail block.

Multiple levels of communal spaces encourage community building and enhance connections and communication.  Central courtyard is infused with community rooms, children’s play, tai-chi area and urban farm; low rise block rooftop garden provides green space for passive use and pleasant view to higher units; the Roof Clubhouse has a walking track sheltered by a covered walkway, barbecue area and multi-purpose rooftop pavilions.  Combination of activities promotes communal and healthy life style.  Through interplay of indoor and outdoor spaces, the architecture connects its occupants to their new environment.

One of the challenges was the ventilation of the site. This is in line with the Kai Tak urban design framework as residential developments are required to be podium free to enhance natural ventilation to the pedestrian zone. A Non-Building-Area of 15m between 煥然壹居 and the adjacent site was established.  The ventilating slots in the building design are adopted to further enhance the ventilation to Station Square immediately to our north west.

The community roof is linked by an outdoor walking track under the covered walkaway to take full advantage of natural ventilation.  The community spaces are designed with nodes and niches in the public areas.

On the low rise block, there is a sitting-out area with more planting to minimize heat island effect to the surrounding flats and to offer a more pleasant view. There are Tai Chi area and an urban farm located along the wind corridor on the ground floor plus a children play area to the north under the shade of the highrise block. Overall, there is about 30% greening for the whole site and about 20% greening of all the roof.


竣工年份 2016
樓宇數目 4座住宅樓宇及1座商業樓宇
樓層數目 23 層(H1, H2及H3座), 6層(L1座), 2層(商業樓宇)
類別 住宅


項目持有人/發展商 市區重建局
項目經理 市區重建局
建築師 呂元祥建築師事務所
園境設計師 雅博奧頓國際設計有限公司
機電工程師 艾奕康有限公司
土木及結構工程師 艾奕康有限公司
承建商 寶登建築有限公司
工料測量師 Currie & Brown (China) Limited
可持續設計顧問 艾奕康有限公司


  • 香港九龍塘達之路77號賽馬會環保樓1樓
  • +852 3994 8888
  • enquiry@hkgbc.org.hk

  • © 2024 香港綠色建築議會有限公司版權所有
  • 免責聲明


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